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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. BobG

    Dog Lover

    Here's one I have never seen before. I was only given 5 ft of road in a near head on in my neighbor hood, by an idiot, turning on a left hand corner. In my lane obviously, he was looking in his rear view mirror while kissing his Labrador retriever. I know where he lives and will pay the moron...
  2. BobG

    Discussion About Radar Detectors

    The impedance of the air is already known, and is calculated into the free space propagation of the initial signal. It is more the receiver would have to have very high amplification (sensitivity) to read either the the original signal, or reflected signal. I like the idea of painting the...
  3. BobG

    Discussion About Radar Detectors

    I would love to hear the answer to that too. Also If you have a radar that is reading the LO of a device, how do you know what electronic device is transmitting it, IE false readings? Being that there are trans/receivers all over the place used by just about all the Agencies, and public...
  4. BobG

    J&M Radio

    Sorry I was speaking over your heads.
  5. BobG

    J&M Radio

    Why not just use a vector voltmeter to determine the proper phasing and signal wave length to the antenna. ( With a vector voltmeter you can tune a metal coat hanger or paper clip, into a great antenna. Frequency matching no problem.) If you have too much power just attenuate the signal some...
  6. BobG

    Riding, close friends vs group rides

    The best riding is with close friends and family. Large groups seem to be more of a race. Family we can stop and check out the petroglyph's, fish, or just take our time sight seeing. With family no complaints about stopping and turning around to check something out. Since I haven't worked...
  7. BobG

    Severe stumbling at altitude

    For the surging problem. I, on my other bike was able to create and remove this type of problem. I, while checking the vacuum, and cylinder synchronizing, decreased the starting point of the bikes vacuum pressure. Then balanced it. It ran like hell, bucking all over the place. I then...
  8. BobG

    Armed Riders

    Casull 454 also in tank bag.
  9. BobG

    Increasing gas milage: pure acetone additive

    I used to get my nitrous from whipped cream cans, always had a problem with butter in the exhaust pipes. My findings are repeatable on the Miata and bmw. I am only guessing on why. I believe that the inherent inaccuracies in the vehicles on the road is why it is so hard to repeat these...
  10. BobG

    Increasing gas milage: pure acetone additive

    With the industries practices, what is the normal out put of an engine? Why do some bikes/ cars perform better than others right off the assembly line? Is the concept of chemically tuning a vehicle beyond your comprehension?
  11. BobG

    Increasing gas milage: pure acetone additive

    Myth Busters are a bunch of hacks. Go ahead and quote them. They were and are proven wrong on a regular basis. The acetone does have a higher flash point, and is rated about 150 octane. As for gas formulas, I have only seen it produce this results from Sinclair gas. The other fuel (chemical...
  12. BobG

    Increasing gas milage: pure acetone additive

    Here is another simple test to see if the acetone fuel mixture works. Knowing the BMW of mine at 80 mph uses an internal map, not the O2 sensor. Another way is to remove the O2 sensor at the connection jack. I taped masking tape to the throttle and side in order to determine how much throttle...
  13. BobG

    Increasing gas milage: pure acetone additive

    So all here have tested the Acetone them selves. As for lab testing, vs real world testing, "I trust my own test". I would have to study the labs data to determine if they created a "failed scenario". I do know, that with the specific gasoline formula I use here, the acetone does show...
  14. BobG

    Increasing gas milage: pure acetone additive

    I have been using Acetone in my cars and bikes for about 3 years. No more than 3 oz per ten gallons, any more than that and fuel economy will go down. I use it to start hard to start engines. I have put it in 2 year old gas in a quad of ours and it ran fine. The gas had no other additive added...
  15. BobG

    Riding with a Migraine

    The day starts out great. Woke up and asked the wife if she wants to have lunch in Lake City. So we took a little day ride from Grand Junction to Lake City, Colorado, about 170 miles one way. Great roads and views etc. I wasn't really pushing it just enjoying the bike. I been here before, on...
  16. BobG

    Denver passes noise ordinance affecting bikers

    Give it a few years and it will be removed from the books.
  17. BobG

    FJR1300A vs K1200GT (Real Differences)

    The club members are in agreement with me. Including how crappy of a design my bike is. I did better than taping it to the windshield, I placed the name of Leper on my bmw gas tank. How many Iron Butt riders are using the GT vs the FJR? Also what bikes are failing in these races, has an FJR...
  18. BobG

    FJR1300A vs K1200GT (Real Differences)

    I will not ever buy another bmw product of any kind. They are just a bunch of blow hards who can't back up what they say. A friend of mine wanted to customize the bmw in my garage. Told him he can paint it, boost the horse power, and what ever he wanted, it will still be German crap. Handling...
  19. BobG

    FJR1300A vs K1200GT (Real Differences)

    BMW, has no credibility as a company. Their bikes are not dependable. They use antiquated products on the bikes. Their after market line are limited in value and usability. I feel the products they produce are crap. They don't stand behind their warranty. They refuse to fix their mistakes...
  20. BobG

    FJR Focus Group

    The German engineers can't understand the US market. They never have and never will. Look how Daimler ran Dodge into the ground. With comments the German Engineers said about about jeep buyers " give them the round lights and you can sell them anything". The arrogance of these engineers and...