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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. BobG

    2007 Altitude Surging Problem - Members Wanted

    I live at 4800', travel over 10500' Grand Mesa. Has not been and issue. Bike has 5000+ miles and is an 06.
  2. BobG

    25 year old blond about 125 lbs

    After your 4.5 minutes are up, they want to talk, and all I want to do is sleep. Don't think it would be compatible.
  3. BobG

    Poll - Avon Storm Tire - Please rate + or - feedback

    My Avons have the wobble problem. There is no local Avon dealer here so I decided to ride the tire with the problem. The shipping back and forth is not cost effective. I have ordered another brand.
  4. BobG

    Wounded Warriors Benefit Road Rally, May 26th

    There will be a Benefit Road rally for the " Wounded Warriors". On Saturday, May 26 2007, Check in begins at Grand Junction Harley Davidson. Located at Horizon Drive and I-70, Grand Junction, Co.. $25 Tax deductible Registration fee, includes refreshments stops, meal, & T-shirt. 9 AM...
  5. BobG

    BMW K1200GT broke down in Reno, Nv.

    BMW will not fix the problem. They will just drop the model line, then present a new line with new problems. This way the old problems are gone. I will never buy another BMW ever. Funny though, I ride my FJR in the BMW club rides.
  6. BobG

    Red Bull Race

    It is from the Slepowron clan. Polish heraldy.
  7. BobG

    Red Bull Race

    Is anyone heading to this? We will be riding the bikes. red bull air race
  8. BobG

    If you had to move to a ideal place

    I would retire right where I live now. Oh wait I did. It fits my life to a T. Very little snow in the winter, I road every month last winter. If I want to ski, 20 minutes away. Some of the best 4x4, off road trails in the world here. Moab is also 100 miles. Fishing, hunting, kayaking, you...
  9. BobG

    Need help with keeping forest rats out of my yard

    I would consider a bushel of apples to lead them to the barn. Dinner on the hoof.
  10. BobG

    My LIDAR experience yesterday

    ECM is the key to not being tagged. I love FOX NEWS. Can't stand the drive by media.
  11. BobG

    Auto cancel Turn Signals

    Depends on how the auto shut off works on the bikes you had, if you would have problem or not . The Beemer I have uses distance to turn off the signal. About 1/8 mile or so. Noticed I specifically said highway. In town I still use the cancel switch to turn off the signal. greedy Bob
  12. BobG

    Auto cancel Turn Signals

    My Beemer has them, and the turn signals shut off too soon on the Highway. Greed, what is it? I like "greed", sharing is for the poor. Does anyone here share their bike, if not, it must be "greed".
  13. BobG

    Internal Tire Balancing beads.

    I guess this Comment is a little late. I have used these beads on several bikes and cars. I after changing several tires have gone back to lead balancing. The beads stick to the inside of the tire. They do not find the balance point every time as reported. Also by throwing a 1 or 2 oz bag in...
  14. BobG

    March 17 2007

    On March 17. The Gathering of Eagles, Rolling Thunder, and many many more Veterans groups will be standing guard to protect veterans memorials from damage in Washington DC. Check it out at Rolling Thunder, or Gathering of Eagles. Http:// Http://
  15. BobG

    Those Fascist Admins!!!!!!!!

    Smells more like smegma. :dribble:
  16. BobG


    Thanks for telling me I can't do that type of maneuver anymore. I will remember that, as I practice it. I will tell my BMW cruiser, it has to nose dive also. We finally got some wet roads here I am going to play with the FJR brakes. Have fun, ride safe.
  17. BobG

    Proper term to describe a resident of the UK

    The WWII 303 fighter squadron and many more, called them back stabbing bastards. Just with a different accent.
  18. BobG

    77 Motorcyclists Will Die This Week in the U.S.

    When I see statistics I know the people using them are to over simplifying a complex issue. I have worked with these Government Mental midgets, who were in a meeting to determine rules that the US and world would use. I leaned over and asked another supervisor if he would trust these idiots to...
  19. BobG

    Yes, deer....

    I can see the problem getting worse as society turns away from the harvesting of these animals. The habits of white tails are different than mule deer. I have seen it twice, a white tail buck start to charge someone on foot. I have chased mule deer off the side of roads by just using my horn...
  20. BobG


    I am trying to find out what to expect in a panic brake and swerve maneuver on the FJR from a speed of around 80 mph? Although I loathe BMW corp, they did get the sequential ABS right. I had practiced many times this type of maneuver with the Beemer, and when I had to use it, I knew what to...