:angry2: Ok called Yamaha and they said to bring it to dealer. ? No mention of yea we know about this or we are working on this etc.
Will drop by dealer and talk with them.
Ok Got a Package and I are leaving Weds night staying in lakeview Oregon and leaving early thurs. Going to winnamucca then slab to I 80 to parkside.
Anybody want to join great or meet up on the way.
Lets us know.
Contacted my dealer last weekend he took down some info and said he would get back to me. I told him he could ride it up to elevation and experence it him self if need be.
I also told him someone is going to be hurt over this.
Yep bought a new yamaha cover and after a few times on noticed my right side mirror on the edge paint gone now fold them in.
Like the cover tuff and looks good.
But it is used and has scratches on it do my best to keep it nice.
Be carefull in Oregon lots of small towns like tickets. OSP nice guys but also give tickets out. They also use no marking cars and photo vans. Very windy on the coast roads but nice view.