It can be tough for anybody to get a leg over a fully loaded bike. If that person is wearing restrictive pants, isn't able to perform a simple Judo side-kick (it gets harder with age) or is small in stature, it 's even tougher.
Try this. Have her sit side saddle facing either side, then scoot...
I'm using the DynaBeads with my Avon Storms (read; tires that don't have any heavy mark) and they're running smooth. I figure this is because of any of three things:
1) if motorcycle tires are a bit out of balance, you can't tell.
2) the DynaBeads work
3) my tires came out perfectly balanced...
I have an EXO700 and I called the company. They said it's OK to use Rain X on it. Just make sure you go over it with a clean cloth and a splash of soapy water. It gets the haze all the way off.
Hey bryanj; I have a Cal Sci Medium. It came with my '03 when I bought it but I use the stocker. I can sell you this one if you want it. Let me know. Nice shape, too.
Thanks Scuba, they look great. I see why they went so fast. You're right big big difference 22 years makes! Your new black cherry will convince you she's all you'll ever want.
It depends on how dark you want it. A good way to tint acrylic is to get some Rit Dye (black). It available everywhere. You use a pan big enough to submerge the windshield, fill it with near boiling water and ad the two bottles of dye. then set the windshield in it and let it soak until the...