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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. IAGeezer

    Stop! Read This: Exclusive Info From An Industry Insider.

    So - what kind of oil works best in it?
  2. IAGeezer

    New Victory Cycle

    Say what you will, these guys have guts. I can't wait to see one on the road, that's where it really matters. It's pretty art-deco in styling, and I like it because it's fresh. I'm really tired of all the FLH knock-offs, and this one will NOT be mistaken for a Milwaukee product. At least they're...
  3. IAGeezer

    FJR Assistance Directory Address

    I'm in. If anyone looks like dbx's picture, do not stop by. Mrs IAGeezer will beat me bloody...
  4. IAGeezer

    Gen I vs Gen II Comparison

    Hi all Been home for a while, havn't had much to add, just trying to get miles up before it goets too cold. I prefer Swill because it reminds me of what's left of my brain. Admins - shouldn't this go into Pointless Recurring or We've Flattened This Cat Enough? Which oil IS best, anyway??
  5. IAGeezer

    Any Yamaha XS/XJ 1100(any model) Yamaha riders on this forum?

    Had a '78 E model that I bought in '89. I called it my Poor Man's FJ. Sold it just after buying my FJR back in '03. It was a great bike, had a Tracy fairing, Progressive springs in front and shocks in the back, blue/black paint job, Brand X 4-into 1 exhaust. I recall getting stranded one time...
  6. IAGeezer

    Harley, an American success story

    I'm glad the Motor Company is doing OK. They make a great product. Free Trade stuff - there are other websites for that... I'm just curious to see if this will start yet another feeding frenzy by Those Who Have An Opinion But Have Never Owned One. (Yeah, it's a slow day in the Hot Box)
  7. IAGeezer

    PHID Lamps - GROUP BUY

    What a week! The Mrs tells me that the lights came in, along with her Rev'It! Tribe jeans, and the Tankslapper kit, all on the same day! And I'm now less that 30 days from leaving here! WooHoo!! :yahoo: Did I mention what a week? Oh, yes, Toe. I e-mailed FJR Goodies twice, they responded...
  8. IAGeezer

    PHID Lamps - GROUP BUY

    Got my notice yesterday, shipping on the 12th. I'm cautiously happy! Now if I can get FJR Goodies to take my money and send me the top Gun brackets, I'll be set.
  9. IAGeezer

    Moto "Ugly" Norge 1200 (acutally 1151cc)

    So..... What kind of oil is best for a Guzzi? Olive?
  10. IAGeezer

    Autocom setup...

    I called Keith a few weeks ago, and he was of great assistance. Chose the same setup, except I'm not getting the speakers installed. The Mrs should be mailing him the tankbag to do the deal. I'm going to use the power cord from my battery tender to run the installation. The pictures are a...
  11. IAGeezer

    PHID Lamps - GROUP BUY

    Toe- sorry, no phone number, just wishful thinking on my part. Thought there might be a number posted on the website, silly me. rick-Thanks for the update. This is the kind of stuff that really drew me to the FJR community in the first place. Just a bunch of great people with a common passion...
  12. IAGeezer

    Moto "Ugly" Norge 1200 (acutally 1151cc)

    Just go to the west end of town, then turn right(north) up the hill. Right on top, you can't miss it. Does this constitute a hijack yet?
  13. IAGeezer

    PHID Lamps - GROUP BUY

    Has anyone gotten their PHIDs? I sent my check in April, it's been cashed, and the wife still gives me no report of delivery. It's a bit expensive and awkward to try to call from here, so, I'm just asking if anyone has had a head's up. Thanks, Scott
  14. IAGeezer

    Moto "Ugly" Norge 1200 (acutally 1151cc)

    Got a terrific Guzzi dealer 15 miles from my home. Ned's, in Riverside, Iowa. Sold BMW for 30+ years until he got told to go "Upmarket". Ned told 'em to get stuffed, and got rid of that franchise. I didn't much care for the California line, but they had a Breva there when I was home last April...
  15. IAGeezer

    FJR1300 vs V-Rod

    Wow, this is fun, kinda like gawking at a car wreck or IED strike. It's fun to watch guys type at each other in anger. Really. One of my guys just bought a special-edition Fatbob, and another wants one of those night-V rods. We'll get together and ride sometime after we get home. And maybe I...
  16. IAGeezer

    HD unveils new engine

    Thanks, Sparky. Can't wait to get home so I can install all this stuff I've been buying for the Feejer. Should be late Sept. Got a lot of great ideas and stuff recommended on the Forum, and I'll hide out in the garage - AFTER the snow falls. Sparky was my nickname when I was an H-D guy, many...
  17. IAGeezer

    HD unveils new engine

    Wow. Lotta typin going on here. Do not feed the twit. Got two e-mails from old friends back in the states this week. One rode his '57 Panhead rigid frame semi-chop from Asheville NC to Iowa to be at a wedding. Been riding it since 1970. He's in his mid 50s, made the run, had a ball. Thinking...
  18. IAGeezer

    Maybe the FJR ain't God's gift to motorcycles after all

    Shhhh .... she's lurking...
  19. IAGeezer

    Maybe the FJR ain't God's gift to motorcycles after all

    I haven't mastered the Quote thing yet, so... rst/r1 - Had a stroker Sportster, 88 incher with straight pipes - high profile, with beard, ponytail, bad attitude etc. Did I mention it was red? If they couldn't see me coming, they darn sure could hear me, and they did. That's why, now, I'm amazed...