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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. danh600

    What mods have been done to your FJR.

    Found it interesting that certain mods are done on a regular basis. Some just to find a personal preference or size. Wondering about percentages. Here are a few mods. I am sure there are more.
  2. danh600

    I'm sick of Facebook. I'm deleting my account!

    We have a little place in the woods we go to many weekends. It has not TV or Internet. I get no phone service there at all. I am happy with that.
  3. danh600

    I'm sick of Facebook. I'm deleting my account!

    I have a hard time with social media. I am just not one of those people with "a keep in touch" gene. I just don't pick up the phone and check on people. If you are my friend you can be pretty certain you are not going to get a call one day with me saying. "Hey, How is it going? How is life...
  4. danh600

    I'm sick of Facebook. I'm deleting my account!

    I do not have a face book account and have no plans to get one. The noise to signal ratio is just too great. My wife has an account. She pretty much knows if I would find something interesting. She enjoys keeping up with family and friends. She shows me the 1 out of 1000 post I might find...
  5. danh600

    Victory Is No More

    Question for you couple of guys that still own Victorys. Will you keep them? I know they said they would do warranty work and also supply parts for ten years. However, HD said something similar with Buell. But most HD dealers didn't want anything to do with Buell. My son had one and it got...
  6. danh600

    Victory Is No More

    That could be said for almost anything that is multi-component. It's a global economy. I read somewhere that using certain data you can make a very good case that the most "American Made" car is actually a Honda Accord. But I like neat little categories. HD,Victory, Indian - American BMW -...
  7. danh600

    Victory Is No More

    Funny thing is I never owned a Victory or had any desire to own one. However, I hate to see them go. I hate to see that one of the choices in American made bikes is not going to be made anymore. I own two Japanese bikes, but I would like to see several American made bike companies doing well. I...
  8. danh600

    Harley Davidson Crash Compilation

    Don't think all those were Harleys.
  9. danh600

    tank bag and back seat bag recommendations

    The First Gear Silverstone stuff matches the silver FJR really well. Looks like they were made for them. I have the Silverstone mini tank bag. I use it often. I also have a silverstone tank bag but hardly every use it. I find for day rides my Corbin smuggler holds all I need. Then for longer...
  10. danh600

    Dec 17th Central Florida RTE Yalaha Bakery

    I have seen that button and never used it. Thanks Vic. I hate to miss a good chance to ride my motorcycle to a place to eat!!!!
  11. danh600

    Dec 17th Central Florida RTE Yalaha Bakery

    Great to see you guys again. I really enjoyed that. It was great to see old friends again. I liked the Bakery. I enjoyed the food and the sweets. Service is a little slow but no big deal cause it was nice sitting out under the trees visiting. I know I am going back. That place is just a little...
  12. danh600

    Average FJR Guy Riding style: Poll Part II

    Kind of the same for me. My wife has her own bike. We do lots of rides just the two of us. But it is never 2 up. So I choose solo.
  13. danh600

    Dec 17th Central Florida RTE Yalaha Bakery

    Never been to this place so I am not sure how busy they get. Wondering if we need to call ahead. Maybe get a head count to see? Right now I have Danh600 and my wife. LkLd(Rob) and his wife. Vic. Bappo
  14. danh600

    Dec 17th Central Florida RTE Yalaha Bakery

    Yes. According to the website that's the original location. There is another location, but that is the one I had in mind.
  15. danh600

    Dec 17th Central Florida RTE Yalaha Bakery

    So everyone is invited to Vic's Birthday party!!!! Sorry I missed Thanksgiving weekend ride. We were at the Cabin. No internet or phone service. Tina notice you guys were doing the ride on Facebook, but too late for us to join.
  16. danh600

    Dec 17th Central Florida RTE Yalaha Bakery

    Just throwing this out there to see we can get a group up. I know it's a busy time of year. Any interest in going to the Yalaha Bakery on Saturday Dec 17th? Somewhere around noon. If this thread get's wings we can PM, face book, email everyone to make everyone knows about it. Dan
  17. danh600

    Smokers (BBQ - not grilling)

    Living in South Florida I buy most of my wood to smoke with. I generally buy apple or cherry chunks. The other day someone gave me several slabs of red oak. He swears it's better then Live oak or most of what we have around here. I do have to say his ribs are very good. His cooker was putting...
  18. danh600

    Smokers (BBQ - not grilling)

    Damn, all this time I thought this was a quit smoking thread. I never opened it. I am going to have to dig up some pictures and jump in this thread.
  19. danh600

    New Knee for Christmas

    I have no personal experience with joint replacements, but here is what I seem to hear from people. Back operations are 50/50. Not everyone is happy after. To a person everyone I have ever talked to about a new knee or hip are glad they did it. Most say they should have done it years earlier...
  20. danh600

    Interesting and honest review of Gen 4 FJR courtesy Revzilla

    I don't even get bored riding my wife's 750 Honda Shadow. Would rather be on the FJR. But a bike is a bike.