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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Y

    Will 2008 Police gadget box (top box), front and rear crash-bars, mirror auxiliary light brackets fit on a 2001?

    Thanks. I suppose comparing the two models side by side would be the best way to work out what would be required to make the stuff fit. Cheers
  2. Y

    Will 2008 Police gadget box (top box), front and rear crash-bars, mirror auxiliary light brackets fit on a 2001?

    I really like the low profile top-box (radio box) that was/is used on many FJR police bikes. Really convenient and not obtrusive at all. I've located some ex-police gear from a 2008 FJR, but mine is a 2001, so not sure the stuff will fit. Does anyone have any info on this? Thanks in advance...
  3. Y

    Installing power sockets

    Neat and versatile instal there. And I have to compliment you (if you don't mind) on the actual video. Nice work. Was also good to have a bit of a look under the panels as I haven't had time to really get to know the gizzards of the FJR yet. My own requirements are quite different to yours, in...
  4. Y

    Installing power sockets

    Great work, Keith. 4AM here and I have to get off to work, but checked the start of the vid. Looking forward to watching properly tonight. Thanks for putting it up. :-)
  5. Y

    Installing power sockets

    More enjoyable to have a bike that does what you want it to do than to keep it 'purist' for the sake of doing so. Having said that, I prefer not to butcher bikes to get 'em to do what I want. The extra batteries really won't add much weight and will leave the bike the way they designed it and...
  6. Y

    Installing power sockets

    These ones might be even better. They have four outlets each, and good reviews. Just ordered three - two for up front and one for the back. Off to look for good qual. batteries that don't explode now.
  7. Y

    Installing power sockets

    I did a search on the site for those and YES, they look like a great idea! A couple of questions; Are they still available? What do they bolt to? Failing availability of the 'dashboard shelf' I'm leaning toward powerbanks. Wouldn't be too hard to make them detachable using some of the readily...
  8. Y

    Installing power sockets

    Yes, whatever is used needs to be fused and have its own isolation switch. Those units do work quite well. They are what I have used previously, fused and isolation switched. BUT I want to try to come up with a way to do things that doesn't require modifying the bike's panels. There's a lot of...
  9. Y

    Installing power sockets

    Just found these. Might be modifiable for the job. Will keep looking.
  10. Y

    Installing power sockets

    Planning on installing a heap of power outlets to power cameras, sound recorder and various other gadgets. Pretty much all of these things can be powered with USB cables (have done it on other bikes recently) and I want to make it as neat a job as possible (UNlike some previous instals on other...
  11. Y

    If you couldn't have an FJR what would be the next best thing?

    Pretty good question. A few of the MANY MANY bikes (starting with all manner of two-stroke rockets) I've owned a few really stand out as having been great bikes, for one reason or another. The 650 Yam twins (all EXCEPT the Specials) were great! I've had every model they made, except the...
  12. Y

    Replacing the TPS

    Yes, I'll report back on the effect.
  13. Y

    Replacing the TPS

    Thanks for a great 'script' to do the job. My bike runs fine, but when opening throttle (at speed) it feels a bit lean. A very good Yam mech. advised to set TP to about 19~20 and check tank filter too. Just ordered a nice little 'low profile' ratchet set (lost all my special tools in a recent...
  14. Y

    Hard Case Trim discolorization

    Thanks for the info folks. I'm going to wait about a week and see if the gloss black I did 'em with yesterday grows on me. If it doesn't then I'll try the methods mentioned. Cheers
  15. Y

    Northern Inland NSW

    Anyone out there from Northern inland NSW? I'm in Gunnedah if anyone wants to meet up for a counter lunch somewhere within a few hundred K's.
  16. Y

    Planets lined up

    You have to marvel (^%$#@) at the Japanese corporate mentality. But it works, in its own weird way - if you are patient! I went looking for a pushbike tire at a DIY store there once. An assistant got on her radio and then the store manager rushed out, eager to help. Then other workers started...
  17. Y

    Planets lined up

    Thanks, Cycle. Nice forum :-)
  18. Y

    Planets lined up

    Apparently the US was a year late getting 'em. Same as many other bikes. Some don't even get there (sunken ships? lolol) like the Suzuki Freewind (no, they don't run on baked beans).
  19. Y

    Planets lined up

    A bit over 100,000K's, so she's well and truly run-in. :-)
  20. Y

    Planets lined up

    Yes indeed. It's a 5JW3. But it has heated grips. I thought they only came with later models.