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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. gearman

    Vstron hand guard kit question

    I went with the 16mm dia. If I can get some machine time I will make some up. The lever bolts will be black oxided and the barends will have radiused corners instead of champhers...and maybe slightly longer. Personally I think they would look better in gloss black powdercoat.
  2. gearman

    Front Bearings

    I was about to suggest the same. Washers are cheap and easy to modify with a bench grinder.
  3. gearman

    Vstron hand guard kit question

    The barends are 303 stainless steel and the pivot bolts are heat treated 4140 steel.
  4. gearman

    Vstron hand guard kit question

    The oem hardware really didn't work so I made my own. I had the throttle binding problem so I also made some barends to suit. Tried them out today and really like 'em.
  5. gearman

    Cigarette Smuggling?

    I predict that tobacco will become the new pot. :rolleyes: They ain't gettin rich off of me, I roll my own and pay $1.10 per pack. :blum:
  6. gearman

    Loaner rear drive repair tools

    I have made a set of tools for servicing the FJR rear drive unit. These perform the same function as Yamaha p/n's 90890-01229 / YM-01229 (pinion bearing retainer wrench) and 90890-04050 / YM-04050 (gear holding tool). They allow you to remove the coupling and bearing retainer. Although the...
  7. gearman

    AMA & HealthCare Reform

    The article doesn't really cite specifics, but rather addresses the possibility that issues could arise that would adversely affect motorcyclist (and others). It seems like a good idea to let legislators know we are paying attention.
  8. gearman

    Front Bearings

    You can add a 22mm adapter to this set for $10. pitposse Maybe it will or can be modified to work.
  9. gearman


    Wow, the insurance lobby must be powerful in Canada. The FJR is $362/yr and the SV is $287/yr. Year round full coverage with Allstate-$500 deductible. I also insure my house and 2 cars with them. My policy renews in Nov and these rates could change considering I totalled my first FJR in June...
  10. gearman

    No Longer Made in America

    You reap what you sow. No need to blame politicians for our manufacturing losses. We the citizens/workers managed to do it with very little help from them. The solution is (was) elegantly simple: buy US made products. Here's your new "service" based economy, how do you like it?
  11. gearman

    > Great Folks

    That's about what I paid to have a set of Stradas installed locally.
  12. gearman

    Motorcycle Accidents and Riding gear

    No point proven. Wind noise over open ears obstructs hearing too. Obstructed is obstructed.
  13. gearman

    Motorcycle Accidents and Riding gear

    I don't buy the "can't hear with a helmet on" argument. Occasionally I'll jump on the SV and ride around my neighborhood sans gear. The one thing I notice immediately is that wind noise at 25~30 mph is louder than my helmet at 60! And no, I don't have Howdy Doody ears! A friend of my son...
  14. gearman

    What do you make of this?

    Well, here's what I came up with. I'm 99% sure these will work on the 03~05's and mdisher is going to try them out on his 06. Judging by the shared part numbers, these should also work on most Yamaha final drives (Vmax, Venture, Virago and maybe some atv's and watercraft as well) from 1990 on...
  15. gearman

    SICK of this bike!!

    I think the pms reference was the final straw. :rolleyes:
  16. gearman

    worse week in history - at emergency room right now

    That's how much this state sucks...even the bees have to get drunk to tolerate it. Sorry for the run of bad luck. Hope next week goes a lot better for you.
  17. gearman

    No Country For New Bikes

    The HD folks are a special breed. I was referring to motorcyclists...not bikers. :)
  18. gearman

    No Country For New Bikes

    While not perfect, it looks like they did a pretty good job. I read it has ~65 hp which may not go well with a 5 speed tranny. A 160 would have been a better rear tire choice. I doubt it will be a big seller in the US because anything with <100 rwhp is considered a beginner/girls bike. ;)
  19. gearman

    Best Faceshield Cleaner?

    I carry individually wrapped electronic wipes in my tankbag. Originally bought them to clean lcd screens but discoverd they work well on shields. Got 'em at wallyworld in the computer dept.
  20. gearman

    steering head sockets

    I'm wondering if the drive is the same on the gen 2. Never thought of that.