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  1. Lee B.

    GEN II Plastic and Cowling Removal

    "5. Remove adjustable side vents. a. Remove the "nickel" turn fasteners - two on each side. Pull them out once loose, they only take 1/4 turn. Using a flat blade screwdriver, push open the retaining clips. The panels should just pop right out." Very nice write up. Thanks for taking on...
  2. Lee B.

    Where Does The Other .23 Quart Go?

    I'm pretty sure the jug I bought from Yamaha has the almost clear strip up one edge and is marked for litres and quarts. I keep it and dump quarts or from another jug into it for the total pour. It's an extra step but this way once I start filling up the crankcase I just keep going in one 4l pour.
  3. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    this helped. I have an HJC with the same type of strap cinch you show in the pictures. The Dring part is flat/thin enough to fit in the gap and your method worked fine. My Nolan has a quick releease sort of strap and it didn't come with any Dring. On my last bike I needed the Dring to use...
  4. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    Okay, I went out and tried this. Maybe my helmet isn't made that way. I couldn't find a way to do this. Pictures?
  5. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    a little, almost indicernable padlock looks like ****? or the big cable? personally I didn't have any vibes to eliminate. glad you found a solution that works for you!!
  6. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    oh, I like that...will try it out!
  7. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    this padlock option is just a deterent and I'd not use it for an overnight or extended lock-up in an sketchy area. Unless I had to.
  8. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    I go there first, too. The issue was if my side cases are full and can't fit the helmet in. Or if I ride w/o the cases which I do about 25% of the time. I always carrry an extra ignition key in my jacket pocket so the extra padlock key can be right there, too. If I lose my first and back up...
  9. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    thanks for showing that. I came across a description of that. the poster mentioned that there was probably a tab like that on both sides. I think I'll stick with my set up and just keep the small lock on the clutch lever or in my pocket or in the glove box for handy access. That way I don't...
  10. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    Here are some picures of the "arrangement" of the D-ring and the padlock. I took these this afternoon after testing whether the helmet could rest on the left side rear-view mirror and still reach the D-ring onto the clutch lever. It works. Helmet will be secured, right-side up so it doesn't...
  11. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    yep, this is a great idea unless I have my bag strapped to the pillion and the side cases full.
  12. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    already had the lock but if you are in town I'd buy you a beer just for fun. you are right, I don't like the upside down arrangement and may take another swing at this tonight. unlocking the seat isn't always an easy option: if my side cases are too full for a helmet it is 50/50 that I have a...
  13. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    must have missed that rule in the member handbook! :rolleyes: seemed sort of silly to take a picture of a small padlock hanging from my clutch lever...silly and insulting....sort of.
  14. Lee B.

    Cheap, easy helmet lock (theft deterent)

    I've been slightly bugged that I don't have a helmet lock. I don't always have room in the side case and don't always feel secure leaving it on the bike unlocked. I saw the recent posts on the order for bar end helmet locks and started thinking about an alternative. I first came up with the...
  15. Lee B.

    So where on your bike do you keep emergency gear?

    gotta watch that movie again! wasn't there a chocolate bar in there anywhere?
  16. Lee B.

    Road-holding Weight

    I think the answer is to install a centrifugal force elimination kit. That is the force that is pulling the bike so hard that the wheels slide out. No cent force, no sliding! I've seen them on ebay all the time. Lee
  17. Lee B.

    Homebrew Rear Feejah Fendah Extendah

    Fred, Looks good. Your ingenuity is spot on! What is the total length and then the length that extenda-s south of the stock fender? W/o this were you getting the rooster tail stuff flung around or more a sideways spray on the cans and underside of the bags? Lee
  18. Lee B.

    vancouver bc to glacier np

    good stuff, thanks. we'll be there in early summer if we go. and we will be in a CAR!! daumm.
  19. Lee B.

    vancouver bc to glacier np

    thanks for th einfo and especially for the pix! Phil, thanks for the tips. 2nd largest truck?