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  1. Lee B.

    New grips....

    another vote for grip puppies over the stock grips. grip puppies and a throttle rocker allow me to keep a loose grip and I don't feel a 4k buzz. I also have gel palm gloves that I sometimes wear but really even with my plain leather gloves I don't feel a buzz.
  2. Lee B.

    High density motorcycle storage

    I have a $99 Harbor Freight rolling motorcycle dolly that works well. You use it with the side stand, not the center stand. YOu roll it up on the dolly and there is a perpendicular spot for the sidestand to rest in. I wanted even more room so I use a couple of pieces of plywood under the...
  3. Lee B.

    Any GenII stock seats for loan?

    Mark, Can we make some tentative plans for a pick up and drop off? If someone closer to me has one to offer I'd go that way but if not I'd appreciate borrowing yours. Does the timing I describe above work for you? As in a pick up in Columbia this Saturday or Sunday? Thanks. Lee I'm really...
  4. Lee B.

    Any GenII stock seats for loan?

    On 9/23 I'm scheduled to take my '08 stock seat in to a local (to KC) seat guy to have him rework it. The hope is that he'll provide a cost-effective solution that allows my bony butt to put in consecutive 400-500 mile days. Cost effectiveness is important but also I'd like a solution that...
  5. Lee B.

    No Country For New Bikes

    I like that it stands up by itself! Solves the problems some have with the side stand lean angle or getting the bike up on the centerstand.
  6. Lee B.

    2009 Iron Butt Rally - Official Daily Reports

    What about the frozen dead guy in nederland?
  7. Lee B.

    seat question for guys w/in a days ride of KC

    Thanks for the info. If this local option doesn't pan out BMS is my top choice. Shoulder stress....risers? Are you able to relax on the bike (loose grip on the grips, tight below the waist and loose above)?
  8. Lee B.

    seat question for guys w/in a days ride of KC

    by all means do your research. my research told me that seat opinions are like, well, butts---everyone has one. I did the Spencer route and probably got my monies worth. I guess I thought it might deliver more and although there was an improvement I need more comfort to go 500 miles a day and...
  9. Lee B.

    Who uses a Mac?

    I guess that's a euphamism I'm unfamiliar with.... :dribble:
  10. Lee B.

    seat question for guys w/in a days ride of KC

    Forgive me for not searching...did you do a ride in for the Russell?
  11. Lee B.

    seat question for guys w/in a days ride of KC

    Did you ride in for your BMS? It is top on my list of the standard upgrades. As you know, none of them are local. Thanks for the response and input. I think this is a total redo, new foam, new cover. The rework and recover with original is what Spencer did that didn't help me enough. Are...
  12. Lee B.

    seat question for guys w/in a days ride of KC

    I've tried an overlay pad of gel and didn't care for each his own. I also use the beads but need something more. Thanks for the input.
  13. Lee B.

    Who uses a Mac?

    how about both? I use a macbook pro at work and a pc at home....unless I get on the wife's mac at home.
  14. Lee B.

    seat question for guys w/in a days ride of KC

    I've got an '08 and had the stock seat reworked by Spencer last winter. I've done the breakin and still find it lacking so I'm searching for other options. I have done some research here and sort of settled on the BMS. However, I think I may try one other alternative before dropping over $400...
  15. Lee B.

    Barber Motorsports Museum

    Craig, There is a Craig, KS but it is in the middle of Lenexa a sub of KC. Probably not worth the trip unless you intend to go down I-70 to CO. Not even sure there is a sign for the picture. I went down to the Barber museum a couple of years ago. It is truly amazing. I was with an older...
  16. Lee B.

    Colorado Ride

    hey, great pictures and great report! thank you for taking me back there. I was in RMNP 4 weeks ago today hiking. We got rain every day! Ward, Nederland, hiwy 72, trail ridge road, all great, fun stuff to ride and scenery to enjoy. How sad were those brown trees in RMNP? That beetle is...
  17. Lee B.

    My left boot

    Barge is good stuff. If that doesn't hold you can probaby find a shoe repair guy that would rivit it on there. They might be able to do that even if they couldn't get in there to sew it on.
  18. Lee B.

    V Stream Windshield

    I've only used stock and then the V-stream. My VS does flop around in the conditions you described. I don't notice it at any other time. For me the flopping is worth it. I just stay out of the big rigs' wash whenever possible. I never noticed any thing like this on the stock. But then...
  19. Lee B.

    Spencer mod

    Fred, I can't speak for the rest but in my case a picture is not really going to help. He recovers with the original/stock skin and I don't think the shape of my seat changed enough to show up in a picture. Maybe if I had taken precise before and after shots it would help but I didn't do...