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  1. Lee B.

    vancouver bc to glacier np

    thanks for all the info. sounds like 3 is a good road. it wouldn't be the first time I've driven 4 wheels on roads that seem to be made for 2 wheels. this will be a fly in and rent a car only trip. just the way it is. at least I'll be scouting routes for possible future 2-wheeled...
  2. Lee B.

    vancouver bc to glacier np

    topic title and description sort of says it all. we may be flying (blasphemy) into Seattle, renting a car (I know, more blasphemy) to go to Vancouver bc then drive over to Glacier NP and loop back down to Seattle to fly home. Streets and Trips routed me away from Can 3 back down to USA and...
  3. Lee B.

    San Diego Ride Report

    Nice report, thanks for posting the report and the pictures. I do have a question: they really asked you to move off the parking lot? Thanks again. Lee
  4. Lee B.

    Slippery seat?

    do you, uh, er, treat your seat? if you use a conditioner it might be making your corbin slick.
  5. Lee B.

    OK Midwesterners--Who Rode Today

    took today off and got in about 70 miles at about 70 degrees. really nice day for KC and 3/16.
  6. Lee B.

    North-Central New Mexico road suggestions

    also not local but that part from Taos to Santa Fe looks good to me. If you are in Taos at mealtime check out Orlando's (just about where your "B" point is). In Santa Fe: La Choza or Harry's Roadhouse. Both excellent. Then on 84 is Abiquiu. don't know if you are a fan of Georgia O'Keeffe...
  7. Lee B.

    IL to San Francisco and back, Two up, Mid-summer

    Hi! I admit to just scanning these posts but I don't think anyone mentioned RMNP in May. YOu didn't say you were planning to traverse RMNP from Estes Park over Trail Ridge Rd to Grand Lake. If you are May and even June, heck July and August can be sketchy weather-wise. Just wouldn't want you...
  8. Lee B.

    Amp draw for PIAA dual sport horns

    oh, man that cracks me up. I wonder who Alan Avery is? He is the one that replied to MY e=mail!! I suspected Alan was questionable when he told me that both horns were 5.5, 2.25 (yes, 2.25, not 2.75) per horn. think he is just making this stuff up? Hey, I really don't want to get into the...
  9. Lee B.

    Amp draw for PIAA dual sport horns

    There is a lot of info on this forum re: the draw of Magnam Blasters and other after-market horns. I was still curious about these specific horns and whether an installation w/o a relay would cause me problems down the line. I was not able to find that sort of information on the PIAA dual...
  10. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    Thanks for the insight on unions. As I was buying pipe I looked in the bins for a couple of the pieces I was going to buy and gal was cheaper by pennies than black pipe. Also, my design has wheels. Unless you are talking about "real" wheels, not the garage hardware pulley wheels that work...
  11. Lee B.

    FJRF003.1: Ignition Switch

    Got the recall notice last thursday. Got around to calling the local dealer in KC, MO to see about their procedure. I bought in Alabama, btw. They said they had about 4 of the sets in, so I made an apt. They didn't need anything but my name. when I got there (Tuesday afternoon, high 60s...
  12. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    Unions? Shoulda asked the guys at home depot how to close the loop. Thanks for including this tip for others to read!
  13. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    When I do the wheel removal I'll be consulting my manual. I'm sure it will help me get started. If I werent so lazy I'd go out to the garage and take a look at themanual.
  14. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    got it! sounds good. I have a hunk of 2x8 in the garage that is about 12" long....ought to work under the c-stand.
  15. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    gotta love ol' Rube, right? the price was a shock. I got them at my local HDepot and Ace. I figured well under $50 and the total was just about $60. Still lots of fun to figure out, make, use.
  16. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    have not thoght of that but it would be handy. quick release? I suppose the handle could fit in there w/o theads; pry it up and then pull it out, so to speak...
  17. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    here you go: Here are some basic instructions for the pipe lift: Total parts list: Each "Triangles" is made from 2 Ts, 2 45* elbows, 1 90* elbow, 2 close nipples, 2 7" length of pipe, 1 8" length of pipe, and a 1/2" cap. You'll need one set of these parts for each of two "triangle." The...
  18. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    I'll get back to you tomorrow. I watched KU lose to MU tonight by 2 so it's a little late (bummer). I gotta get to bed.
  19. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    I don't know that a front lift/stand is better than your method. I assume you can do it your way by yourself. I guess your way is just as stable as a lift/stand. Maybe your wood rots faster than my stand will rust?? :unsure: Hope you take this as intended, just lighthearted, not...
  20. Lee B.

    Front end lift

    good to know, thanks. Looking at the brakes it seemed like a pull straight forward would work. I think I read in some previous post that the fender needed to be off. In this case it isn't even an inch. I figure a piece of 3/4" plywood will lift the wheel up to the axle or very close.