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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. JoelTheMole

    Hello from Texas!

    Hello from the boring flat plains of South Texas! I got my first 2014 FJR1300ES in December 2023 and was wiped out by a truck swerving into me in June, and I got my second 2014 FJR1300A in October. It needed quite a bit of love as it had been sitting outside not running for something like 7...
  2. JoelTheMole

    DIY ECU Flashing options?

    Anyone know of any DIY ECU reprogramming or standalone replacement ECU (that dont require rewiring the bike) options for our bikes? I am well aware of Ivans flash, and respect his work, I am just interested in tinkering on my own here. I see Woolich Racing has options for the 2016+ bikes, I...