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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. B

    2015 Yamaha FJR1300A -- $7900 OBO

    This 2015 FJR1300A is still under Yamaha warranty until 10/2021.  The bike has 38,885 miles on it.  I am the original owner. Upgrades: * Custom "Day Long Saddle" for long distance riding * Yamaha touring windscreen * Brand new Michelin Road 5 tires on both the front and back * LED passing...
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    FOBO TPMS -- new GROUP BUY -- tire pressure monitoring system

    This Group Buy is only good from April 16, 2020 until May 16, 2020 or while stock lasts.  It gives you a 15% discount on the FOBO BIKE 2 for motorcycles, FOBO BIKE 2 for trikes, and T-values.  The discount code is FB2FR15 If you read my posts about my FOBO caps, you will see that the FOBO TPMS...
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    Power based on key switch position

    I searched the forum and I cannot find this answer.  I had lights installed to make me more visible, especially at night.  However, the shop connected the lights directly to the battery.  After a few weeks, I tried to start up the bike and the battery was dead.  It was so dead that I had to...
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    Brakes lose pressure if you do not ride for a while?

    I bought a Tesla Model 3 and I absolutely love that car!  I have been driving it everywhere.  Unfortunately, my 2015 FJR1300 has not been getting any love lately.  It sat parked and covered for six months!  I cannot believe that I left it alone that long!  Last month, I rode the bike from...
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    Location for USB Charger Socket

    I searched the forums and I could not find an answer to this question. I purchased this socket for my 2015 FJR1300A: I pulled the cover off the area that surrounds the glove box, but it doesn't seem that the USB socket will fit there. Where...
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    FOBO TPMS saved my a**

    I took a ride from Phoenix, AZ to Perris, CA (family) and then out to Mailbu, CA. On my way back home, I got a ticket for going 89 mph on the 70 mph limit freeway. Why didn't I use my cruise control???? Don't know. I'll do traffic school and use cruise control religiously for the next two...
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    Clutch Threaded Mount Location

    I searched the forum and I googled. I cannot tell definitively which ball mount fits the clutch side accessory hole next to the clutch reservoir. I pulled the cap off and I can see it is threaded for a mount. I googled and found out that it is an M10 size. However, RAM offers two versions...
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    Blonde Jokes

    Bugnatr posted these jokes in another thread. I busted out laughing so I thought that I would share them with everyone... ...blonde jokes? How's this..... One day a blond walks into a doctors office with both of her ears burnt. The doctor askes her what had happened. She says, "well... when...
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    Filter Bypass PSI

    I got bored today so I started researching oil and filters. I read quite a few posts here and other forums. I discovered that the bypass psi is a critical aspect for the oil filter. The bypass filter kicks in when the oil pressure of the oil coming into the filter is greater than the oil...
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    FOBO TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) -- GROUP BUY

    Everyone, my friend had two flat tires in two weeks -- really bad luck! As a result, I decided that I need a TPMS on my FJR. I googled this forum and the Internet and I found out about the FOBO TPMS. On the, where I also belong, I found out about the FOBO TPMS. On the link...
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    AimExpo - Police crash bars for FJR

    The AimExpo also had a Police version. I really like the front and back crash bars. Does anyone know where I can get these bars? Or, does anyone know who I can contact at Yamaha to get their source? I am hoping some members here work for Yamaha or a Yamaha dealer. Thanks!
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    Split: JSNS

    What does JSNS mean? I googled it, but I don't think "Japan Spallation Neutron Source" or "Justification for System New Start" are correct. I keep seeing JSNS on posts here on the board so I gotta know. What am I missing?
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    Split: 2017?

    I want a Black Cherry Gen 4 FJR! Does anyone know the color for 2017?
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    Split: 2017 Color

    Waking up a dead thread: any idea about the color for the 2017 FJR? I am not a fan of the current blue color.
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    Costco Price for 2016 FJR?

    Does anyone know the Costco price for a 2016 FJR?