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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. S

    Tracer 9 GT as FJR Replacement?

    I have both FJR and T9GT. They are very different bikes and I enjoy them each because of those differences. Yes, they are both sport tourers but the rides, handling and liveliness are not similar.
  2. S


    Three off the top of my head. From Ashland: Dead Indian to R on Hyatt Prairie to R on 66 (aka Greensprings Highway) back to Ashland. From Medford: McAndrews W to L on Ross to R on Main to L on N Fifth to R on California (Rt 238) to Grants Pass. From Medford: Rt 62 N to Trail, L on 227 to...
  3. S

    Hello Fellow FJR owners!

    I live in southern Oregon and in September bought a pre-loved 2016 FJR. Great bike! Truly state of the art.
  4. S

    Got the FJR itch!

    Until recently I had only a 2022 Tracer 9 GT which is a fantastic bike and keeper. I too had my eye on the FJR and I found a preowned one in September, a 2016 with 12k miles on it. Perfect condition, all service records. Wonderful machine that complements the T9GT. Previous owner loaded it with...