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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. J

    Stirring Things Up

    Here is as good a place as any.... Thanks for closing the duplicate thread. My apologies for offending folks, was not my intentiion. But it was my fault. The FJR is obviously a vastly better machine than the original FJ. But it had better be. Fit and Finish on FJ's sucked, Fuel Starvation...
  2. J

    Stirring Things Up

    No Laundry List.. Vibration, Vibration, Vibration, Wind Coverage Nobody would give a rats ass about taller gearing if the bike was smooth. Taller gearing is to minimize VIBRATION, not for gas mileage. You concede that, or you don't.. Lead shot in the bars, ECU mapping, spark plugs,, give me...
  3. J

    Stirring Things Up

    Disagree.. Here's Item number: 330229076738 Easy enough search. Check it out, I aint buying it or selling mine. Buts its near mint to me, hard to fake the detail in photo's . And someone thinks FJ's are valuable. Question is Is the FJR worth $12K more. Hoping for more than people...
  4. J

    Stirring Things Up

    Did the obligatory "Intro First". The FJ was a great bike, but it need(s)ed taller gearing, better wind protection, luggage and please please, a velvety smooth mount. It was never underpowered. And despite what the "party line" now says, it worked unbelievably well with Metzler RADIALS, when...