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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. M

    F*c%ing Weather!

    What is that white stuff ?? I dont understand ! I would go crazy if i couldnt ride all year round . Sure we get cool to cold here (down to -5 Celcius) but that dont stop ya riding . I guess its just that in reality Australia does have the best riding weather in the world. Might get hot , and...
  2. M

    So . . . . worth keeping and upgrading? Or get a new bike?

    Hmmm Ok im a newbie on the block. You said its a 03 with 20 thou on the clock. That works out to be around 32,000 kilometres. I bought my 1999 Yamaha XJR1300 in 2002 with 32,000 Klm on the clock. it now has 153,000 Klm on the clock. One thing that can be said about Yamaha is there motors are...
  3. M

    why is it different places get different bikes

    why is it that the same manufacturers can consign the same bikes but different colours around the world . Or have different horse power ratings around the world. but then the question of models as well here in Australia we have had the XJR Yamaha earlier as a 1200 then as a 1300 A great sport...
  4. M

    top Box / Trunk

    I have just bought an08 model in australia, and have been informed by a few friends who own FJR that the new models are suffering from broken mounts on the top boxes . I just want to hear if anyone has had this problem and what was done to fix it before i out lay a lot of money for something i...