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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. cbdunn

    2007 AE Downshifting Problems

    ** conclusion ** I finally got my FJR home today. Final analysis and repair was replacing the shift actuator. Yamaha and my service manager and tech worked together to perform this work under the extended YES warranty. Thank the Maker! It would have run me in the $2.7K range according to...
  2. cbdunn

    2007 AE Downshifting Problems

    LOL. I think I'll let them get the part just the same. Then... no excuses. But, thanks for the advice. I should heed your advice. I know you don't have a "damn poor mind..." I like your creative spelling derivative of Angels. I love the signature quotation. I'm going to use that (I'm a...
  3. cbdunn

    2007 AE Downshifting Problems

    ** UPDATE ** FJR is in with tech. Test ride duplicated the problem (always nice when they don't call you and say something like, "We couldn't see anything wrong..."). Additionally, they actually got it stuck in 3rd gear and no amount of throttle blipping would get it to downshift beyond 3rd...
  4. cbdunn

    2007 AE Downshifting Problems
  5. cbdunn

    2007 AE Downshifting Problems

    I just tested on the center stand as you suggested. I warmed the bike to normal operating temperature (4 bars) and ran through the gears: First: With foot shifter, several times. No problems. No codes. Second: With paddle shifter. I ran up and down several times. There were hesitations, but I...
  6. cbdunn

    2007 AE Downshifting Problems

    Correct... flashing gear indicator. Sorry I wasn't clearer.
  7. cbdunn

    2007 AE Downshifting Problems

    This forum is awesome. Of all the forums I use -- this forum is the most helpful and robust! I can't thank you all enough for the troubleshooting help and advice. Not having to start from scratch and recreate the wheel is huge. I will definitely report back to the discussion with findings as I...
  8. cbdunn

    2007 AE Downshifting Problems

    Thanks for the feedback everyone... Good stuff -- mostly... Please read the post accurately Willboe... I was not stopping in higher gears. I wrote "Rolling toward a stop sign in 4th... I couldn't get any downshifting... even with a little throttle." You other guys are correct. It's not normal...
  9. cbdunn

    2007 AE Downshifting Problems

    I have a 2007 FJR1300AE with about 21,200 miles on it. I just picked it up from service and winter storage. The 20K mile service was performed over the winter. I've had it out for two short (27 miles round-trip commutes to work. During both rides, but more on the second ride, I've had trouble...