One member was very helpful as I was initially looking for handlebar risers to help my short self sit more upright. Turns out the FJR is more bike than I should be riding. So I'm selling the bar risers. $130 shipped to conus.
The link below will take you to the website to see the picture. This...
I bought a HD Fat Boy a couple months ago...loved the bike but was looking for more torque and performance. My buddy loves his 07 FJR and after I did my own research and asked questions, I thought this would bike would give me the performance and handling I wanted...
Sounds like you have a lot of interest...but should a deal not work out with the above members I would be interested. since these seats are made to fit...I would be interested to know if you have risers on the bike...and approximately how tall you are and inseam length. I'm not sure how much you...
I've seen these on bikes but I'm guessing they are a little hard to find. Even so...I'm starting the hunt. If you have one you want to sell or know where one is please pm or email [email protected] or call 585-748-6825
Anyone have any they are selling or know where to get them inexpensively? Also looking for a Throttlemeister and Helibars or another system to change the handlebar positon up and back.
thanks! Please reply to Doug at [email protected] or call 585-748-6825
Don't hate me...I own a new HD Fat Boy...but I've wanted an FJR since a buddy has been extolling the virtues for a couple of years now. One kind member caught a reply online and sent me an email telling me he was ready to move us a year or two and wondered if I'd be interested in his 07. I was...
My apologies to the Webmaster for the post here, but wasn't sure where to post.
I am purchasing an FJR from a member in Atlanta and want to drive it back to NY. Does anyone know if Georgia DMV can provide a ferry or transport permit to an individual? Is there another legal way to drive it home...
Please give me a shout...very interested and can get there within the week with the cash
[email protected]
Sorry...didn't see that post...glad you were able to sell it!