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  1. E

    2008 has no electrical power except for the instrument panel

    Thanks for all the effort, finally got it running again, it was the spider ground on the left front with intermittent contact, grounded it with a separate wire directly and now it's working great. At least now I have no fear when it comes to wiring. I could not thank you enough my friends.
  2. E

    2008 has no electrical power except for the instrument panel

    Can't fix the bike still, anybody has any idea? Is it my ECU?
  3. E

    2008 has no electrical power except for the instrument panel

    Can't find Nick Hisham in the member's list. There are Nicks but no Hisham.
  4. E

    2008 has no electrical power except for the instrument panel

    I will try to contact Nick, thanks. Anyway, the big wire I was tallking about is the one hooked up to the ground and everytime I hook it up with the five wires bundled together, all the lights in the instrument panel turn off and turn back on once disconnected. I found all 8 spiders and S4 is...
  5. E

    2008 has no electrical power except for the instrument panel

    I found the culprit. S4 melted. I stripped the wires and connect them all together (not soldered yet) but now there is no power to the instrument panel at all, and when I disconnected the big wire power in the instrument panel is back. I think this is the wire that is hooked up to the ground...
  6. E

    2008 has no electrical power except for the instrument panel

    Need help badly. I parked her with no problem, the next day she won't start at all. The instrument panel has power, signal light indicators lit constantly, fuel gauge bars flashing, no horn, no power to the windshield, starter will not fire, and no power to the signal lights. When the...