05 FJR - Slipping 2nd Gear or Wheel-Spin ?

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Dec 13, 2006
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After switching to Diablo Stradas (specifically the harder (?) FJR rated one), I get a pretty good "slip" under hard acceleration in 2nd gear a lot of the time.

Should I be concerned about something in my drivetrain ?

Or am I just getting a little wheel-spin out of the Harder Stradas ?

(much harder than my Pilot Roads which only lasted just over 1000 miles)

There's a big difference between clutch slipping and wheel spin. If the rear wheel spins then it hooks up, you know it. The clutch will just sing away. Give us more symptoms.

BTW - Are they Pilot Road 2's or Pilot's (like Power) or real old Pilot Roads? PR2's are harder.

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Or, he could stay into it and sniff the air afterwards... Clutch and rubber are two different smells ;)


The fact that you notice it in second gear sounds very familiar. There have been a few people who reported a similar problem that turned out to be a bent shift fork and/or worn dogs on the gear. Some have been able to get Yamaha to cover it under warranty and others have not. Search around a little and read the specific symptoms they had so you can tell if your problem is similar.

Or, he could stay into it and sniff the air afterwards... Clutch and rubber are two different smells ;) :jester:
Always sniffin' stuff....

The fact that you notice it in second gear sounds very familiar. There have been a few people who reported a similar problem that turned out to be a bent shift fork and/or worn dogs on the gear. Some have been able to get Yamaha to cover it under warranty and others have not. Search around a little and read the specific symptoms they had so you can tell if your problem is similar.
Wasn't that slipping out of gear though.... IIRC....????
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Yeah, clutch slip or wheelspin is not the same thing as neutral, or almost neutral.

I vote wheelspin. Clutch slip (from worn discs) would be in higher gears, where the ratio doesn't have as much "leverage" over the tire.

Try it whiled leaned over real hard and see if you highside. Then we'll know!!! :p

There was a thread somewhere about somebody asking about this, and it waas right after an oil change (I think.) Suggestion was that he put in some "Energy Efficient" rated oil.

The fact that you notice it in second gear sounds very familiar. There have been a few people who reported a similar problem that turned out to be a bent shift fork and/or worn dogs on the gear. Some have been able to get Yamaha to cover it under warranty and others have not. Search around a little and read the specific symptoms they had so you can tell if your problem is similar.
Wasn't that slipping out of gear though.... IIRC....????
Bikes so afflicted only temporarily 'slip out of gear' -- the dogs are pushed out (under high load) and then they engage again.

The result is: 'popping out and in' gear (usually 2nd).

Feels like something's slipping....

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There was a thread somewhere about somebody asking about this, and it waas right after an oil change (I think.) Suggestion was that he put in some "Energy Conserving" rated oil.
I hear echos of past posts :p


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The fact that you notice it in second gear sounds very familiar. There have been a few people who reported a similar problem that turned out to be a bent shift fork and/or worn dogs on the gear. Some have been able to get Yamaha to cover it under warranty and others have not. Search around a little and read the specific symptoms they had so you can tell if your problem is similar.
Wasn't that slipping out of gear though.... IIRC....????
Bikes so afflicted only temporarily 'slip out of gear' -- the dogs are pushed out (under high load) and then they engage again.

The result is: 'popping out and in' gear (usually 2nd).

Feels like something's slipping....
Definately not clutch slip ... I know what that is like

Only occurs on full throttle accel, above 6K RPM, "slip" only occurs for about a half second or less

... doesn't occur every time ...

Found the posts ... looks like the same problem lots of people had .....

Warranty ? Probably not ? Don't think the bike came with YES .... I'm the second owner, and she has about 18K on her now ...

Ah well ... I guess I'll just take 'er easy at the top of second till I decide to spend 2K on the repair ....

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Another possiblity, is that your New Tires may be Spinning on your Rims. Mark you tires and then see if that is the case, then a remount/clean will most likey solve the problem.

1000 miles out of a (I assume rear) Pilot Road?? You are hard om that drivetrain.
I thought I was bad when I used to get 4k per tire.
Not any harder on this bike than I have been on all my others (riding "continuously" since 89),

just "ahem" sustained high speeds tend to destroy tires VERY quickly

.... I am VERY disappointed that a bike which I bought for reputed "bomb-proof" reliability turns out to have a "known" problem with a weak transmission

:angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

my two previous bikes were triumph speed triples ... never a problem, used the first one for 60K, second one for 30K (canyons and commuting)

(got a 675 for canyons - 20K, no problems, and she is always ridden hard)

If I'd have known that the FJR transmission was going to fail at 18K, I'd have spent the extra and got a beemer ....

.... ah well .... lesson learned ....

If I'd have known that the FJR transmission was going to fail at 18K, I'd have spent the extra and got a beemer ........ ah well .... lesson learned ....
I understand your frustration. Believe me a Beemer tranny is nothing to brag about. Not to mention the flammable final drive.... :eek:

FJR's have possible Tickers, CCT issues, possible Tranny issues, etc. Not everyone expereinces these things. Please let me know what bike does what the FeeJ does, with NO problems.

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.... I am VERY disappointed that a bike which I bought for reputed "bomb-proof" reliability turns out to have a "known" problem with a weak transmission
I may be having a similar issue. I read all the posts you guys have linked to but they don't seem to describe my problem.

In no other gear than 2nd....mildly hard on the throttle (not wide open...maybe half)...It feels like the shaft is "skipping"...like a record. The bike doesn't pop out of 2nd gear but will continue to "skip" until I shift to third....

.... I am VERY disappointed that a bike which I bought for reputed "bomb-proof" reliability turns out to have a "known" problem with a weak transmission
I may be having a similar issue. I read all the posts you guys have linked to but they don't seem to describe my problem.

In no other gear than 2nd....mildly hard on the throttle (not wide open...maybe half)...It feels like the shaft is "skipping"...like a record. The bike doesn't pop out of 2nd gear but will continue to "skip" until I shift to third....
Now THAT sounds like gear dogs to me. If you want an idea of how it's fixed, check out the XS thread on the other bikes section. I'm to lazy to dig it out atm :p

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