'06 AE - PC III Report

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
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Sahuarita, AZ
I suspect that we all suffer from the placebo effect - when we install an expensive new toy we really want to see an improvement, so we do. I have tried hard to be objective as possible regarding the subjective effects of the Power Commander III (throttle response, smoothness, no surging, etc). My firm opinion is that there is a definite improvement in overall engine operation. This includes less abrupt power application, greater engine smoothness and response. I say this even though I never thought the unmodified AE was a particular problem in those areas. With the PC III, I say it is definitely better and well worth the money. This is a stock bike running the PC III with the map as delivered, no Barbarian Mod, and the oxygen sensor has been disconnected.

As far as gas mileage is concerned, I believe I have some pretty reliable numbers. I only have 3,000 miles on this bike because a work schedule has largely restricted my riding to a work commute. This is a 17 mile ride each way, most of it 55-60 mph, with about 2 miles at 75-80 mph. In the past, the bike's instruments would report average mileage at about 49 while the actual mileage would come in at about 47. The bike reliably turned in about 2 mpg less than the average read-out. After installing the PC III and running the first tank of gas, my reported average mileage went up to 52.7, but the actual mileage was 47.38. Another thread reported that, with the PC III, the average calculated mileage would be erroneously optimistic because the fuel computer sends the original signal to the mileage computer before the PC III has modified the pulse width. Therefore with the PC III, here and there, more fuel is delivered than reported. I think that is an accurate assessment of the situation.

By the way, I believe I am getting *outstanding* mileage for a bike of this size and performance. There have been other postings of wildly different mileage results and this puzzles me. The only mod on my bike that could affect my mileage is that I have a Cee Bailey windscreen that is a *minus* three inches (shorter than stock). Plus, my speeds have been restricted due to the type riding I have been doing.


There are many of us wandering about this placebo effect when it comes to the throttle abruptness issues on the 06 model. A group of us have installed a shim to decrease the "on/off" effect of the throttle pulley. This significantly reduces this event in the lower gears. Big debate is now centered around whether its a mapping issue or a throttle body issue on the 06. I'm waiting to hear for someone who has done the shim, but has also experienced (on there own bike, or someone elses) the PCIII. That will be the only true test. So far i havent seem many posts that state "had a major problem before, now i have no problem". Most posts say "Didnt notice a problem before, bike sure runs great now with the PCIII".


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There are many of us wandering about this placebo effect when it comes to the throttle abruptness issues on the 06 model. A group of us have installed a shim to decrease the "on/off" effect of the throttle pulley. This significantly reduces this event in the lower gears. Big debate is now centered around whether its a mapping issue or a throttle body issue on the 06. I'm waiting to hear for someone who has done the shim, but has also experienced (on there own bike, or someone elses) the PCIII. That will be the only true test. So far i havent seem many posts that state "had a major problem before, now i have no problem". Most posts say "Didnt notice a problem before, bike sure runs great now with the PCIII".

Although I didn't try the "shim" mod, I DID have the throttle problem. Big time. I put the PCIII in and the "throttle problem" went completely away! I've always loved the feel, look, and performance of the FJR. Now I will have, with the addition of some "touring" farkles (GPS, true cruise, power outlets, etc.), the perfect motorcycle for me!

Last Chance

In the past, the bike's instruments would report average mileage at about 49 while the actual mileage would come in at about 47. The bike reliably turned in about 2 mpg less than the average read-out. After installing the PC III and running the first tank of gas, my reported average mileage went up to 52.7, but the actual mileage was 47.38.
Dick, ignoring what the instant mpg readout says.... are you saying that your actual MPG didn't change much at all after installing the PC-III? That you got roughly 47 mph before and after the PC-III? :unsure:

Typically, that's not the case in the past... a 2-4 mpg drop from before is not unusual... so I'd say you're doing pretty good here.... gain a lot of positive throttle aspects without the cost of any mpg, very cool!

In the past, the bike's instruments would report average mileage at about 49 while the actual mileage would come in at about 47. The bike reliably turned in about 2 mpg less than the average read-out. After installing the PC III and running the first tank of gas, my reported average mileage went up to 52.7, but the actual mileage was 47.38.

Dick, ignoring what the instant mpg readout says.... are you saying that your actual MPG didn't change much at all after installing the PC-III? That you got roughly 47 mph before and after the PC-III? :unsure:

Typically, that's not the case in the past... a 2-4 mpg drop from before is not unusual... so I'd say you're doing pretty good here.... gain a lot of positive throttle aspects without the cost of any mpg, very cool!
Yes, that's what I am saying based on one tank of gas. What changed was the reported mileage (average) that jumped from about 49 to 53. However, actual mileage remained at 47. As I said before, my rides have been restricted to commuting at speeds about 60 mph, and I have a minus 3 inch Cee Bailey windscreen. I will report ny significant changes.


Damn, 47mpg is great. I'm around 40ish with mostly highway riding on my AE. Speeds 70-75 mph.

I've got 2300 miles on my FJR. I do have the throttle response issue, whether when rolling it on or lifting to slow down. What bothers me most is the seemingly abrupt slowdown when lifting off. GF ends up slamming into me which causes me to slam my jewels into the tank. No good.

This PCIII really interests me if it will help my "problems."

Thanks for the report.

JMHO, but I think the PCIII would help with your throttle issue. I'm curious though. His milage is fantastic. I only get 35-40 mpg. I'm thinking there is some other problem which needs to be addressed. Mine is a 2006 "A" model. I only have 3400 miles on it so it really is still "breaking in". I also had a surging problem which was greatly reduced, but not eliminated completely with the PCIII. Have you had a TBS, throttle body synchronization, done yet? I'm going to get mine done or get the equipment and learn how to do it myself. I'm also going to check all the FI plumbing for air leaks, loose clamps, etc. I had a surging problem on my VTX and it was due to a loos clamp on the FI air/fuel delivery plumbing. Once I tightened the hose clamps between the cylinders and on the intake manifold the surging went away.

I am also suspicious of the Throttle Position Sensor, as that has been associated with surging and as well.

Just my 2 Cents worth. But it is all worth a try. For what it is worth the PCIII eliminated my twitchy throttle completely and take offs are smooth and very predictable.

At any rate I just LOVE this rocket ship. My X is definitely going on the auction block next spring, unless I can figure a way to own two bikes....But then I think I would get a 2007 FJR for my second bike!!!!! :yahoo: :clapping: B)


I have had the scheduled maintenance completed by a Yamaha service department.

They told me the throttle is "just how the FJR is". Huh?

Also, the vibration in the bars is also "just how the FJR is."

