06 Radar mounting:

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2005
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Middleton, ID.
I've done the search, seen the ball mounts, tech stem mounts, etc, but has anyone mounted the RD to the top of the clutch reservoir? I thought of using velcro on top the reservoir to velcro on the bottom of the RD and maybe strap it on, but I don't want to loose a new Escort X50 Santa's bringing because of a poor mount. And I don't want to use a dash setup even though I will probablly need one later when the farkles add up. The setups I've seen look like the RD unit is either too high up or like using a stem tech mount might block the speedo etc. But does anyone know of a way to mount the RD on or real close to the top of the clutch reservoir? Thanks in advance. PM. <>< :blink:

One thing you may want to take into consideration is that the X50 display is slightly angled for mounting on the right. Mounting it on the clutch reservoir I would imagine you would have to turn the whole detector slightly in order to see the display properly which would then mean that it wouldn't be pointing straight ahead.....just a thought.

I use a ram on the brake fluid reservoir with a magnetic powerplate....works good and is out of the way.


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One thing you may want to take into consideration is that the X50 display is slightly angled for mounting on the right. Mounting it on the clutch reservoir I would imagine you would have to turn the whole detector slightly in order to see the display properly which would then mean that it wouldn't be pointing straight ahead.....just a thought.
I use a ram on the brake fluid reservoir with a magnetic powerplate....works good and is out of the way.


If you are getting an X50, I would put in on the right (brake master cylinder) side due to the angled display. While many have simply velcro'd the detector to the clutch or brake resevoirs and had success doing it this way, I know of two detectors that were mounted this way that went bouncing down the road after hitting a bad bump.

I am assuming you have seem my set-up which I picture below. Not sure what you are after, but I don't consider it "too high", and frankly, you can adjust that with the RAM arm. Nor does it block gauges. Also - one problem with having the detector "too low" is that you have to take your eyes further off the road to read the info on it, and the display is harder to read at too big an angle.


You could mount it a bit lower than showed above by putting the RAM arm in the below position.


I'm cheap. Used heavy duty velcro. Travel daily on rough dirt roads. No problems. No fall off, even at a bucktwenty.. A ram mount would be cleaner. Some folks grind the lettering off the top for a better adhesion. And Skyway makes an XM plate that could be used for radar too.
I wonder how much protection you would lose, mounting the RD on the right side. AFAIK, the better units offer 360° protection, right?. Seems to me that protection to the rear would be diminished if mounted on the right, since your body would (at least theoretically) block the radar, especially at greater distances.

your body would (at least theoretically) block the radar
Your body is like an open window to radar. Your body presents as much signal attenuation as a windshield (essentially none).
I wonder how much protection you would lose, mounting the RD on the right side. AFAIK, the better units offer 360° protection, right?. Seems to me that protection to the rear would be diminished if mounted on the right, since your body would (at least theoretically) block the radar, especially at greater distances.

One - they don't offer total 360 degree protection. Really, only the Valentine does as it has two antennas, one for the front one for the rear. On a detector like the Passport 8500, there is only the front antenna. It will pick up signal to the rear, but that is when the signal is reflected off something in front of you like a road sign or another vehicle.

Two, how would mounting on the right side diminish protection? It would be the same as mounting on the left. How would your body have any effect? You got me confused.

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Your body is like an open window to radar. Your body presents as much signal attenuation as a windshield (essentially none).
No sh!t? I had no idea. I honestly thought that body mass would block the signal. Who knew?

...how would mounting on the right side diminish protection? It would be the same as mounting on the left. How would your body have any effect? You got me confused.
Sorry. The examples I was thinking of would take forever to fully illustrate, but picture this... Smokey is now behind you, going in the opposite direction, and he hits the rear radar after seeing you blow by. With the RD on the right side, I just ass-u-me'd that the detector might not get the full signal with your body being in the way. Another scenario might involve Smokey coming up from the rear, using same direction. Just a thought, is all. Truth is, I don't squat about using radar detectors! That said, I'll just crawl back in my hole & STFU. :unsure:

I'm cheap. Used heavy duty velcro. Travel daily on rough dirt roads. No problems. No fall off, even at a bucktwenty.. A ram mount would be cleaner. Some folks grind the lettering off the top for a better adhesion. And Skyway makes an XM plate that could be used for radar too.
I was using heavy duty velcro with satisfactory results to hold my X50 to my ECM shelf.. One day, it was very cold, the velcro came loose from the metal shelf. The sticky glue of the back of the velcro released. Fortunately I had the power cord tied off so the X50 only slipped down and hung near the top of the tripple clamp. Now I use a small bungee.


I use two of the Skyway XM mounts - one for the puck, the other for the Escort.


I use the XM mount to give smooth surface area to the velcro that is provided with the cover you see - it's available at Legal Speeding here - Cover and I've not had any problems with loosening, etc. In the future, I may change out the velcro to Dual lock, but this setup has been through a bit, and absolutely no problems.

p.s. - please ignore all the crap in my garage. I'm lucky I can fit the bike in there.


Mounted on unused rearview mirror socket.

Appropriate metric bolt, heated and bent to proper shape.

Nut on threads to tighten down in "locking" fashion.

Grind bolt head so parallel to ground (when bike off center stand and you sitting on it).

Weld steel plate to bolt head.

Mount RAM magnetic plate.

Open view to forward and rear (looks thru my Cee Bailey).

rock steady to 130 MPH (my limit).

good luck.

It will cost you about $5, velcro strap and all. It will take you about 30 minutes to fabricate. It has lasted for over 20,000 miles and seven months in both 100+ and 20- temps.

It's a battery box from Radio Shack. Remove the metal pieces, carve out some areas for the cords, drill two holes to pass the reservoir screws through. Tighten snugly but don't overdo it. Has never come loose, RD has never budged.

Radio Shack #270-389 4 "D" Battery Holder


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:thumbsupsmileyanim: Wow, thanks for those great ideas and pics, this is more than helping to get me where the RD is in the right spot. Heading out to upholstery class and will figure this all out later. Dittos and thanks again to the ideas. PM. <><
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Right Side brake reservoir mounting on my '04. Virtually the same on my '06. But I HAVE used "super" velcro and just put the detector directly on the reservoir cap. Screwing down a flat plate with the res cap gives a lot better contact patch. Bracket on my '06 is flat with no sides.




Hey Matt? What gizmo you using to hold the FRS in place?

Kaitsdad, you didn't spend 25 bucks for that cover, did you? :blink:

Hey Matt? What gizmo you using to hold the FRS in place?
Kaitsdad, you didn't spend 25 bucks for that cover, did you? :blink:

Hey 'Nut, that's a Garmin Rino 120. Garmin makes a handlebar mount specifically for the Rino series of GPS/2 Ways.

As GMRS/FRS radios go, it's not much to write home about. And as a GPS, the 120 is a very basic base map with quirky habits, and only usable in the most basic form. But I've been using it for a couple years now, and in a pinch it works well to locate you. Had it mounted on my dirt bike, too. Transferable. Pretty good for off road.

I have the Rino mount transferred to my AE. The Rino, however bit the dust, and I'm waiting to see how much Garmin wants to fix it. ITMT, I'm looking for other handheld 2 ways that have bar mounts (or that I can fashion one). Criteria are: 5 watts and weather resistant (if not waterproof like the Garmin), Motorola plug compatible (not that big a deal), and handlebar mount.

I don't think the Rino is "all that", but the 530 can be had for under 4 bills, has a decent color GPS (although it ain't no "street map"), and is a waterproof, bike powered 5 watt radio. Now, whether it works with the Autocom that DHL is supposed to bring me tomorrow, I don't know. Supposedly all radios BUT the pricey Kenwood have some kind of feed back interference when bike powered and utilizing the Autocom. :dntknw:

I'm in the GMRS/FRS hunt mode, and I'm having problems finding a unit that fits the bill. And even though I swore I wouldn't pay 200 for a Kenwood "commercial grade", a $400 Garmin 530 may actually be a better choice.... for me... Still, if I could mount a Motorola SX800R on my bars and plumb it into the Autocom, I'd jump all over that. $70 a pair on the net. 18 mile/5 watt. 11 hour talk time on one charge. :thumbsup:

More info than you wanted, probably, and sorry to be off topic. Back to your regularly scheduled thread. Unless you want to talk about 2 way radios some more. ;)
