Tel, et al.
The Spank Rally is ABSOLUTELY a go. 21 confirmed ( paid in full ) riders and many more app's in transit. No worries mang, this rally is in full swang!
This weekend I was hanging with an elite LD crowd and several folks, plus a 2-up couple, have given me verbals of their intent. The roster is getting very interesting with newbies, middlings, and hard-core vets.
Thing is, I've got the bonii so jam-packed and varied, anyone could win this thing. I've got "mind-messer's" for newbies and vets alike. I can't wait to see how the whole thing shakes out. Man this RM thing is hard work, but WAY FUN!
I don't expect any of you to give me much credit at this point, but the Spank enterprise has just begun, and already has big plans. In 10 years, will you have a rally shirt that says "Spank Inaugural Rally" on it?
George Z
PS: FJR-Forum exclusive rally hint: I left San Francisco last night at 2000 and arrived 15 miles from 29 Palms at 0245. Via which bonus? Via which route?
I got your via swingin'. You've been Spank'd. :yahoo: