2007 FJR - Installed Helmet Guardian On License Plate

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May 19, 2008
Reaction score
Conyers, GA
So I purchased the Helmet Guardian and installed it on my tag holder at the rear of the bike. It fits fine, looks rugged, and is secure. However, when I hang my helmets on it they touch the hot exhaust. Two questions popped into my mind that I bet someone here can answer:

  1. Are the exhausts hot enough to cause damage to my helmets (melting)?
  2. Is there a way to prevent the helmets from touching the exhausts?

All help is appreciated.

Answer: Move the Helmet Guardian off the licence plate. Run a search and you should find some individual brackets and/or Geraulds rack mod, both made by folks on the board I believe. The search will probably turn up some other ideas as well. Good luck.

Thanks! I found several posts where members have made brackets that are mounted on the side of the bike. Looks nice but I was hoping I could fix find some way to keep it mounted on the tag without damaging the helmets.

Any ideas?

I've been using a Helmet Guardian for over 55,ooo miles. I've never damaged my Shoei helmets. After removing my riding apparel, the last thing I do is hang the helmet, so the exhaust has some time to cool.

If you are worried, as mentioned above, there are other options for hanging the locks on the bike.

I've been using a Helmet Guardian for over 55,ooo miles. I've never damaged my Shoei helmets. After removing my riding apparel, the last thing I do is hang the helmet, so the exhaust has some time to cool.
If you are worried, as mentioned above, there are other options for hanging the locks on the bike.
Just to clarify - your helmets DO touch the exhausts when you hang them, right?

My riding partner has the same issue with his locks. He uses a mini bungie to hold the helmet up sometimes, other times the chin strap snagged on the license plate, IIRC.

We have the Guardian locks on the licence plate frame also, for 40,000 miles.

The helmets DO touch, but if the last thing you do is hang the helmets (sort out jackets, phone, glasses, etc) the cans cool down enough. We've had no problem with any helmet damage.

Just drop your helmet a few times, watch it roll down the street. You won't care if it touches the muffler.

rogdeb Posted Aug 16 2008, 09:13 AMWe have the Guardian locks on the licence plate frame also, for 40,000 miles.

The helmets DO touch, but if the last thing you do is hang the helmets (sort out jackets, phone, glasses, etc) the cans cool down enough. We've had no problem with any helmet damage.

I've been using a Helmet Guardian for over 55,ooo miles. I've never damaged my Shoei helmets. After removing my riding apparel, the last thing I do is hang the helmet, so the exhaust has some time to cool.
If you are worried, as mentioned above, there are other options for hanging the locks on the bike.
Just to clarify - your helmets DO touch the exhausts when you hang them, right?

Yep....what Roger said.

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I took a long ride today with my daughter. We both hung our helmets and left them touching the muffler with no damage. I did take the extra precaution to position the chin strap in between the helmet and where it touched the exhaust but even the nylon suffered no damage.

The Guardian works well and is easy to use. I'd recommend it.

Thanks for the replies.


I got the same setup. Yes, the touch. I just make sure the hard outer shell is the only area contacting the exhausts. Its tough material. On my Arai - there is some softer edging material and lining that I would not allow to touch.


Just for the record, I hd internal helmet damage to my Shoei Muti-tek helmet after hanging them on the helmet guardian. The outside of the helmet looks fine but when you dig around inside you will find that the heat will melt the "styrafoam" inside. I found this out when installing some audio and needed to tuch the wires deep inside. I paid $75 for Shoei to bring it back up to spec.

If you touch the mufflers with your hand they are very warm but not too hot to touch. Your helmet touching the back of the muffle won't hurt a thing.

If you touch the mufflers with your hand they are very warm but not too hot to touch. Your helmet touching the back of the muffle won't hurt a thing.

Water beads up and steams off the mufflers.

My passenger's boot heals have melted when touching the mufflers.

They will burn a strawberry on your leg the size of a baseball.

Yeah, their hot. Not warm. Hot! No touchy for at least ten minutes.

I have the same set-up.

What I do is open the face shield fully and hook both D-rings through the right side of the guardian.

Then position the helmet facing the exhaust.

The exhaust can is close to but not touching anything.

Bonus: The heat from the can dries out the sweaty helmet!

I don't get why you'd want to hang your helmet upside down off the back of the bike anyway. What happens to the inside when it starts to rain?

Put the helmet(s) on top of the seat (right side up) and lock with an under seat cable. Plus a cable can be run through the chin bar(s) rather than just through the easily cut nylon chin strap.

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Here's what I made:

Just a little vinyl coated cable with swagged loops on both ends. Pass one end through the two helmets, then other end's loop and then loop over the seat latch. Coils up for easy under-seat storage when not in use.




Could the cable be cut? Sure. But not with a pocket knife like the nylon chin strap.

And the helmets stay safe and the insides (relatively) dry sitting up on the bike's seat.

I just keep one of these under the seat. Easy and provides some basic security. It extends/retracks to about 3 ft and you can set your own combination.


Of course, if someone really wants my helmet/jacket - this won't stop them for long, but it provides some basic security.

I also have the Helmet Guardian setup ... but tend to use this cause it's more convenient. I think I picked it up at my local locksmith for like 10 bucks.

Edit: Here's the full product page

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