2013 Iron Butt Rally - The Inside View

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So - did we ever figure out who the madman was that took Jungo Road and then rode across the desert? :lol:

They're starting to move out. Monday morning traffic?? Plus some time to plan the last leg. If they got the packet at 06:00 PDT it would be about right. Especially if it's a complicated 3rd leg. Could have needed some more intense route planning time.

Dang, if only Iggy could make the forum perform like his Leg 2 run!!! Been slow for me this morning.

Isn't 101stpathfinder riding in this thing? Maybe I'm mistaken. I'm not sure of his real name, anyone know how he's doing if he is?

Dang, if only Iggy could make the forum perform like his Leg 2 run!!! Been slow for me this morning.
It does, works for a while, then takes a sleep break
I'll ask politely: Keep the whining out of this thread.

For those who haven't been listening or heard and simply refuse to absorb the discussion that's been on-going for AT LEAST 6 months...

1. We had taken steps that had proven to make a difference in performance.

2. We had paid people to fix problems who too the money and left the forum without any improvements.

3. We advised people of all of this and even offered to do manual new account creations.

4. We also advised people that the IBR was starting and that we didn't want to make changes because of reduced admin availability as well as knowing the historical increase in user activity during the IBR.

5. We announced a hiatus on all board changes through at least the middle of the month following the IBR.

6. A handful of very-persistent whiners insisted that auto-accounts be reactivated. We did and, as anticipated, response times took a dive.

7. THEN the increased load of IBR activity was heaped on top of that.

We explained our why. We were rebuffed. This is the result. FYYFF.

Take it out of this thread and send PMs to Admins if you want to discuss specific issues about forum operation since everyone is aware of it and public discussion serves no constructive purpose.

For those who have been patient and understanding, please let me apologize for your having to be exposed to the 2x4 that sometimes needs to be used to get the mule's attention before we try guide it around a corner.

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Isn't 101stpathfinder riding in this thing? Maybe I'm mistaken. I'm not sure of his real name, anyone know how he's doing if he is?
Yep. As of the end of leg 2, he is scored in 16th place.
Listed in the stats as Anthony Osborne

Oh, btw, here is Tylers welcome for him in Sac.


Perhaps I simply overlooked it but is there a list of riders who have dropped out? I'd like to see everyone who undertakes something like this be able to complete it although we know that's not going to happen.

Isn't 101stpathfinder riding in this thing? Maybe I'm mistaken. I'm not sure of his real name, anyone know how he's doing if he is?
Yep. As of the end of leg 2, he is scored in 16th place.
Listed in the stats as Anthony Osborne

Oh, btw, here is Tylers welcome for him in Sac.

As I was working and directing the incoming IBR traffic, I must have met Tony but didn't recognize him. I had been looking forward to meeting you Tony! I will have to wait till next time to get properly introduced. Have a great ride! You are doing so good! :)

Dang, if only Iggy could make the forum perform like his Leg 2 run!!! Been slow for me this morning.
It does, works for a while, then takes a sleep break
I'll ask politely: Keep the whining out of this thread.

For those who haven't been listening or heard and simply refuse to absorb the discussion that's been on-going for AT LEAST 6 months...

1. We had taken steps that had proven to make a difference in performance.

2. We had paid people to fix problems who too the money and left the forum without any improvements.

3. We advised people of all of this and even offered to do manual new account creations.

4. We also advised people that the IBR was starting and that we didn't want to make changes because of reduced admin availability as well as knowing the historical increase in user activity during the IBR.

5. We announced a hiatus on all board changes through at least the middle of the month following the IBR.

6. A handful of very-persistent whiners insisted that auto-accounts be reactivated. We did and, as anticipated, response times took a dive.

7. THEN the increased load of IBR activity was heaped on top of that.

We explained our why. We were rebuffed. This is the result. FYYFF.

Take it out of this thread and send PMs to Admins if you want to discuss specific issues about forum operation since everyone is aware of it and public discussion serves no constructive purpose.

For those who have been patient and understanding, please let me apologize for your having to be exposed to the 2x4 that sometimes needs to be used to get the mule's attention before we try guide it around a corner.
My apologies - just adding a little (attempted) humor; not whining at all.

*Justin goes and sits in the corner*

Isn't 101stpathfinder riding in this thing? Maybe I'm mistaken. I'm not sure of his real name, anyone know how he's doing if he is?
Yep. As of the end of leg 2, he is scored in 16th place.
Listed in the stats as Anthony Osborne

Oh, btw, here is Tylers welcome for him in Sac.

As I was working and directing the incoming IBR traffic, I must have met Tony but didn't recognize him. I had been looking forward to meeting you Tony! I will have to wait till next time to get properly introduced. Have a great ride! You are doing so good!
Watch Tony in the 3rd leg. That man is an absolute beast of a rider, as are all of the IBR competitors. After watching Tony do each of the Great Lakes, followed by all of them in one swoop in 100F heat to qualify for the IBR....

There goes the scatter of riders.
No kidding, to all four compass points. Definitely different stratiges. Wonder if the guy heading north on I-5 has his GPS turned on?

Think one of the bonii is Roberts ranch outside of Modesto?

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Look at that lonely soul on the SPOT tracker burning up I-5 northbound. I know this doesn't show all riders, so there may be a few more headed that way as well, but that is curious.

Are other riders hitting points closer to Sacramento/San Fran and then burning north, did that lonely fellow not feel that they could get the other bonuses, or is that person headed towards a sucker bonus and almost certain failure?

I guess time will tell.

Someone has their game face on.
You're right. Lynda does look like she is about ready to kick some and take names.

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