2014-05-30_GOTC_SonoraCA _Day2

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
The next day, Jer and I took off for a day ride.

After having breakfast, and at our bikes, this 1190R arrives and says 'Hi, my name is Dave, I used to have an FJR. Can I ride with you guys today?'. and the day was set. IIRC, Dave's forum handle is HappyRider or something like that.

Dave to the left and Jer, trying to be smarter than the fuel pump. The fuel pump won.

Finally, Jer gets the FJR filled up...

Dave, being local, took initial point. This Parrot Road or something like that..

I'm convinced the entire state of California is going to run out of water.

The route today was 4 to 89 to 395 to 108. Here, Jer takes a pix near the top o' the mount.

Dave was nice enought to let the old folks take a pee break..

Look how far to the right, off-center, the RHS bag is.

Me thinks this is Mosquito lake.

Clean air, easy breathing.. Life is good. My thoughts wander off to Dad.

4 is truly a wonderful road. This year it was in good shape, no tar snakes, little traffic, and we were having fun.

This is 89, a connector. It actually felt good to go in a straight line for a bit..Eat your heart out Ignacio, hiway 50 ain't much on this!
Well, ok, yes it does..

I remember thinking how crisp the air felt to breath, and how beautiful the scenery was. It's not often I'm fully engaged in the moment,but right then, I was in the zone.

I mean, it beats being at work, yes?

Dave suggested Walker Burgers for lunch. Here, Dave discovers he forgot to drop papers off earlier for this daughter to attend a camp of some sort. He's feeling pretty dorky right about now, talking to the Missus. We convince him to take off, go, leave us, abandon the troops, get back to Sonora in time to get the paper delivered and NOT disappoint his daughter. He took the old guyz advice. Truly, he is smarter than he looks!

I liked this little place..

Walker. The Walker river. I remember my brother loved fishing it here. He had this old man friend that was 100% blind but could out fish damn near anyone. Of course, he had to be led to the stream, but once there... he was the best. He also played pool, horseshoes too. He was a genuine character, and somehow, this walk way in Walker reminded me of him. Funny how it all works.

Leaving Walker, Jer and I ride south on 395, slowly, as Dave had mentioned heavy LEO presence. He was right. At Sonora pass, 108, we head west.

..and prompty get behind this.. Sigh. I wasn't sure how Jer felt about passing on a 2x yellow, but I could not take it anymore.
Jer did great. Say bye-bye.

By the way, Jer, at 72,sets a mean pace. That old man can ride a motobike at a clip slower than Petey but faster than most!

Whoa. Breathtaking.

I felt bad about pulling off at this spot for the photo shoot. I'm pretty dirt proficient and don't think twice about diving into dirt that's off camber,slippery and prone to falls. I looked back and saw Jer kind of, well, not struggling, but he sure wasn't having fun either. He did NOT whine or whimper, and did just fine.. although I did spot the back hand rails just in case.

Have I said how much I love this bike, KrZy8? After all the miles n' smiles... she still delivers..
(Thank you Fairlaner and FjRay for helping with the engine swap, I will ALWAYS remember!)

Amazing motobikes.. 9,000 feet and 'carbureting' perfectly..

I'm getting OK at the one handed photo shoot while riding techinquie..

We stopped at Dardanelle to pee, get an ice cream cone, and hydrate. This entire facility is powered by one noisy-ass generator.

I recalled being here in 2006, when KrZy8 was new, I was fresh to the forum. BikeEffects, Jeff, rode with us that day and I recalled how fast he rode..Now, Jeff doesn't ride, hip problems. That's another reason to ride all you can while you can. It won't last forever..

Gas is 20 miles down the road. I chuckled when a gal driving a Prius was freaked out that she was out of battery and low on fuel..

Does this pump remind you of simpler times? If so, you're really OLD.

We made it back, just in time for the people pix and the party to start..
The road goes on forever,and the party never ends.. Joe Ely.

Nice DC. I told Dave about you hooligans being in town and to be especially careful of running into some CandyButt guy. Guess he didn't listen, glad ya'll had fun in my backyard.

Incredible scenery with no traffic. So jealous. One day I will get to ride West.

72 and ripping it on an FJR? Ride on, brother!
