Bill Lumberg
I'm looking for an online source for a 2014 maintenance/service schedule. I find older and partial listings, but nothing comprehensive. Thanks for any info.
It's a conspiracy, they are out to get you. The owners manual that you need to keep your bike properly serviced and in good running order deliberately left out important items so that only a dealer would know what needs to be done. Or shops have their own agenda above and beyond the absolutely required service. The FSM isn't more inclusive than the owners manual.Section seven, in my owner's manual, shows a quite abbreviated version of what my dealer and (separate) local shop show, purportedly from Yamaha
Hence our community's link to resources and a consolidated and comprehensive version(s) of the service schedule! Check out the maintenance section on the site. They print out and go in binders very well with a three hole punch.Section seven, in my owner's manual, shows a quite abbreviated version of what my dealer and (separate) local shop show, purportedly from Yamaha