26K Service Rant

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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
It’s been 4 days so I'm calmer...

It is generally my practice to do all maintenance on the bike myself. With forum member’s help I've tackled everything from TBS, to forks springs, to electronic cruise control & everything in-between. However, I felt the valve adjustment on the 26K service was out of my league. The FJR would have to go to the "professionals."

Besides having tires changed out (I bring them in off the bike) I avoid the service department like the plague . It's not as much a money thing as it is I feel like they don't do the work they say they do (fraud?) and when they do they are negligent [more later]. Shopping around here in San Diego, I have a lot of choices with widely varying quotes even 2nd & 3rd calls to the same dealer! Jackbites – it’s an ominous beginning. In the end a complete service, including valve job, TBS, fluids change etc will run $350 + parts. Alright, fine. Do the whole thing. Good as new…yeah, right.

So the bike is returned as quoted - basically 1 day. I leave the dealership & the throttle immediately feels funny - too tight. Great. I decide to ride it the 10 miles home & see if it gets better. Not. It was actually like riding with a cruise control even though the cruise wasn't on!! That's pretty unsafe. Fine. Whatever. Stuff happens. Obviously a quick road test (like less than 1 block) would've told the mechanic something’s up. Back to the dealer I go.

Well now they start blaming it on my after market cruise control (3x in fact). Alright. I'm starting to lose my patience. I've had the cruise for 20K+ miles - not a single problem, no binding, no problems. Why after getting my FJR back from the dealer is there suddenly a problem? 2 hours later I get my bike back. They had to remove the tank & oh yeah, another bike was already on the lift, so that had to be finished first. Yeah, thanks for the priority. Everything seems fine now. And gee, "no extra charge."

Get home, I find my intercom no longer works & the FJR display is off. Now what? Ok. Battery thing. Hey, isn't this a maintenance free battery? Why are they f-ing with it? Or did they just pull the bolt to make it look like it was inspected so they can check it off their list? I fix them both. Hmmm...I notice what I'd describe as bleached spots on my black inner cover. What the? Battery acid, brake fluid? I don't know. It wasn't there before. Cosmetically the piece is ruined, but it’s not worth fighting the dealer on it. Their word against mine.

But it doesn’t end here. Minor scratches on both sides of my fairing. Yes, 26K on the bike so its not perfect, but more scratches, even minor, is very annoying. Also, rear brake fluid on lowest level – checklist says they “checked.” (I guess check that it is on the lowest level!). Engine oil has been overfilled (just as dangerous as under-filled I’m told). Geez.

Does it run any different? NO. It ran great before & still does. Did they replace the plugs? Supposedly. Did they adjust the valves – supposedly. If I remember correctly they list the measurements as .8 out & .7 in across the 4 cylinders. Did they change the oil filter - doesn't look as new as I'd expect. Did they change the shaft oil - don't know but 1/2 the bottle is gone. Did they just "top off" engine oil? Maybe, it sure looks as dark as when I brought it in. I guess time will tell as to what other issues arise. I’ve got a funny feeling it’s not over…

I felt raped leaving that place for a 2nd time… So. Bay Motorsports, San Diego service department will not EVER get another PENNY from me F-them. And I highly recommend no one else does either. Find a better service department.

Speaking of, can anyone recommend a service department that is a good one here in San Diego? I’ll probably end up just figuring out how to do the valves myself. Like too many things in life, you’ve got to do it yourself to know that it’ll be done right.

I will say that Ted and the sales department I’ve been happy with. I bought both my ’03 & ’04 from them @ MSRP OTD without the usual hassles.

Sounds like some of the things you mentioned as "problems" are merely speculation on your part. While I understand your frustration with the throttle, scratches, and battery problem, it may not be entirely fair to post regarding the engine oil being "topped off", the inconclusive info about the final drive oil, and the engine oil filter. After all, you're just speculating that they didn't perform some of these things.

Either way, it's unfortunate that you had a bad experience. Keep searching and you'll find someone that you can count on.


I would also stay away from Funbike center.

IMO funbike has gotten too big for their own good and forgot who helped them get there.

All of my service has been done either by me or Motoworld of El Cajon.

I only have 11,000 miles on my 05 so nothing I can't handle yet.

It will go somewhere for valve inspection/documentation (mainly to keep my YES valid)

My buddy (who is not that mechanically skilled) uses this guy

& before someone calls me a Buddy-F#$ker, he doesn't like taking hand-outs either :p

(I have offered to help him with lots of his work but he prefers to take it in)

I hope you find a shop you like/trust

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... it may not be entirely fair to post regarding the engine oil being "topped off", the inconclusive info about the final drive oil, and the engine oil filter. After all, you're just speculating that they didn't perform some of these things...
Fair to post? Are you kidding me or are you their lawyer? Like throttle, scratches, battery problem, ruined plastic AND rear brake fluid [which they said they checked] is not enough to lead to question? With the evidence I've provided I believe they've openned themselves up for plently of speculation. Sure those items in question may have been done. And obviously, I hope they were. Do I trust them now - HELL NO. The point of mentioning items is that with all the other shoddy work that is visible how many of the things I cannot see have been done in a shoddy manner or not done at all?

My take away is find a dealer you trust or do the work yourself. And Pawtracks brings up a good point, in order to keep YES valid be sure to document. If you do the work yourself, save ALL parts receipts.

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Fair to post? Are you kidding me or are you their lawyer? Like throttle, scratches, battery problem, ruined plastic AND rear brake fluid [which they said they checked] is not enough to lead to question? With the evidence I've provided I believe they've openned themselves up for plently of speculation. Sure those items in question may have been done. And obviously, I hope they were. Do I trust them now - HELL NO. The point of mentioning items is that with all the other shoddy work that is visible how many of the things I cannot see have been done in a shoddy manner or not done at all?
My take away is find a dealer you trust or do the work yourself.
No, I'm not kidding nor am I their lawyer. I was simply suggesting (and hoping, for your sake) that it's entirely possible that the things they said were serviced actually were. I certainly understand your view about "work that is visible how many of the things I cannot see have been done in a shoddy manner or not done at all? " That part makes sense.

Is this your first experience with this particular dealership?

Anyone else have any experience w/ them?

Is this your first experience with this particular dealership?
First, only [and last!] experience with their service department. I've been happy with their sales as I mentioned in the first post.

bleached looking spots on the black plastic = ???

my guess is silicone spray...any chance its in an area that would be hit if they had tried spraying your throttle??


'04 FJR 1300

bleached looking spots on the black plastic = ???
my guess is silicone spray...any chance its in an area that would be hit if they had tried spraying your throttle??
Yes, I think that is possible, but silicone spray wouldn't permanently discolor/bleach the plastic would it?

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bleached looking spots on the black plastic = ???
my guess is silicone spray...any chance its in an area that would be hit if they had tried spraying your throttle??


'04 FJR 1300

Brake fluid dripage when they topped off the res ?

Sorry TB, thanks for posting up shitty dealers. We can all learn from it.

bleached looking spots on the black plastic = ???

my guess is silicone spray...any chance its in an area that would be hit if they had tried spraying your throttle??
Yes, I think that is possible, but silicone spray wouldn't permanently discolor/bleach the plastic would it?

Yes, unfortunatley, it will...i found out the hard way by spraying it on my cover of my Powerlet outlet, and the overspray "bleached" the black plastic around it. Cant get it out.


'04 FJR 1300

let me know if you find a good dealer.

I bought my bike from Motoworld of El Cajon.

They seemed pretty on the ball -

I wouldn't buy a nut from Fun Bike Center

Alba is just up the street and have only dealt with their parts department, so can't comment on their work.

el cajon seemed to do a fair job on my 600 mile service - however upon looking at the book on the 600 mile they were supposed to have synced the TB - which they didn't. I asked them to change the rear end fluid - and they didn't

They DID change the oil and hypothetically they checked everything else.

I will be getting the next service done next week - I'll go back to them and ask them to perform the TBS that they should have done at 600 (and ask them to do it gratis as I paid for it the first time). We'll see what they have to say.

LET ME KNOW IF YOU FIND A GOOD ONE> I'll let you know, too.

Tahoe I can sypathize with you on some of your complaints with your dealer but you say you've done qiute a bit of your own maintenience yourself and I also do quite a bite myself.

Did you not have time to do the easy stuff yourself?I wouldn't try the valve check myself and would most definetely get that done by a reputable dealer,but I sure as hell wouldn't let them do oil changes and minor maintenience chores.You've heard the old saying you want something done right do it yourself?

Take the doubt away and do the easy stuff yourself and you'll have peace of mind it was done right.

Hope you find a good dealer to take on the stuff you can't do. good luck and I understand your frustrations as I'm trying to get some things resolved on my bike that are warranty items I do not have the capability to fix.Sometimes I wish I could do everything and totally eliminate dealer involvement.

...Take the doubt away and do the easy stuff yourself and you'll have peace of mind it was done right.
Absolutely. The only reason I let them do the whole service is the cost was ~$300 (valves only) vs ~$350 (complete service). No way next time. I pay $300 for valves only & do the rest myself as I've been doing.

I wish I could do everything and totally eliminate dealer involvement.

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I believe every doubt you have. In fact, I bet if you were to carefully inspect all the hardware that is required to remove/loosen to perform a valve inspection, it probably looks untouched. I may be wrong but won't be surprised if true. If the oil and filter were changed, it would not look dark in the window. I would also pull a plug just to see if they were changed!

Think about it a minute. Do you think that most service guys are going to treat your removed body panels with the care you do when you take them off at home?? Hell no!!! These guys have other bikes lined up for work and can't possibly show the care and patience you will when wrenching yourself.

Having said all that, there certainly are good service dept's out there. Some are mentioned on this site. If you can travel a bit north of San Diego, there has been good reports for Yamaha of Cucamonga(YOC). This is where I will go if I need work done that I can't do or warranty related.

I also bought my 05 from SoBay motorsports, good sales dept. Only dealer I could find in SoCal that would deal on the price.

I plan on checking my own valves soon. I've read the procedure and printed out Torch's(FJR1300.info) description of the job. It's appears more tedious than difficult, but I won't be in a hurry.

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I plan on checking my own valves soon. I've read the procedure and printed out Torch's(FJR1300.info) description of the job. It's appears more tedious than difficult, but I won't be in a hurry.
After reading that most excellent write-up, next time I will do the valves.

An idea I just had for anyone taking their bike in somewhere they arn't sure about, put a little dab of white out on drain plugs and oil filter. If they pull the drain plug it will knock the dab of white out off.

If you want to be sneaky, use clear fingernail polish. You can put that any where a seal should be broken and only you know where it is. When you show that to the service manager, what can he say? One of the members of my club did this and when he saw they didn't remove the valve cover he showed the owner. Mechanic was fired and service manger got read the riot act. :assassin:

If you want to be sneaky, use clear fingernail polish. You can put that any where a seal should be broken and only you know where it is. When you show that to the service manager, what can he say? One of the members of my club did this and when he saw they didn't remove the valve cover he showed the owner. Mechanic was fired and service manger got read the riot act. :assassin:
+1 great idea. :clapping:
