2820 digitizer is flaky

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O, Woe is me!!
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Panama City, FL
Well, shoot! My beloved StreetPilot 2820's digitizer is going through spells of randomizing its digitization, even without being touched. I'll look at it and find it in the search map mode, like you're trying to select a waypoint on the map, instead of the tracking mode, showing your position. If it's really schizoid that search map will be jumping around and highlighting points. By itself. And sometimes it will give up and put itself into screen calabration prompts, which of course, won't work.

It's my third StreetPilot. I started with a second-hand 2610 way back when I first got the bike in 2007. I very quickly tired of the limited memory on that device, and the need to load and unload map areas for a trip. I used it for a trip from here to D.C. and couldn't put the whole trip in the device! There was a very small corner of one of the segments that we were going through, so I simply didn't load that segment and ended up with enough space for the rest of the trip. Needed two routes, though, the southern part and the northern part, with a gap of about 10 miles in the middle!

I found a 2720 on eBay after a while and went for it. Still have it. It was so wonderful to have the entire country in the device, without having to connect to the computer to get pieces of maps into the device or clear them out! That one also introduced me to the 3D "overflying" map view. That's the one I posted about some time back that shows a max speed that an SR-71 can't do:

I'm not sure how that speed got in there, but I have a theory. When I first got it, It had not been powered up for a LONG time! When I turned it on, it took almost 15 minutes to get a fix! I think what happened is that its first fix was way off, and when it corrected it thought it had actually moved through that distance, so it thinks it went 2378 miles per hour. Reset Max is OFF LIMITS!!!!!

Eventually I discovered Bluetooth for the helmet, and discovered the 2820, which handles the phone via Bluetooth so I can keep it in the jacket pocket, or more often, under the seat on a charger. I don't need the screen because the Garmin does all of the phone stuff. I hear it in the helmet via Bluetooth as well. The headset thinks the Garmin is a phone, the phone thinks the Garmin is a headset. It has a "music player" in it, too, but it only has about 5MB of memory for music, and it's not stereo on Bluetooth. I don't listen to music when I ride, anyway, as I find it distracting. Use of the phone was SO MUCH BETTER with the GPS screen showing me what was up. Caller ID on incoming, listing the phone book, whatever. With the 2720 before, the phone directly connected to the headset, if voice dialing didn't work, the phone would be doing something and I had no way of figuring it out without stopping and getting the phone into my hand, and a lot of times I couldn't end a call with the headset buttons; the call would end but the phone never hung up!

So now I've got this weirdness with the 2820, and I've had such good luck being able to stay with StreetPilots, and not have to buy new hardware for the bike for mounting something. I took the 2820 apart, all the way to getting the screen out. I separated the boards, but did not actually pry the digitizer off of the LCD. Basically what I did was disconnect and re-seat all the connectors, and I cleaned the screen really well while it was out. It had some grunge built up under the edges of the case, and I was hoping that grunge might be the issue.

It's better, now, but still flaky. It'll stay on map view for quite a while, then suddenly just freak out. Now, stubborn as I am, and as much as I like this thing, and as much as I hate having to buy new hardware, I'm now wondering if I can salvage the digitizer out of the 2610, which still works but will never be used again. I see on the places that list replacements that they all use the same digitizer, but I don't know if the one already in there can survive being pried off of the display. If it does, then I saved 20 or 30 bucks! Ooh! Ahh! Hey, I might need that for a date someday! (That should tell you how long it's been since I've had one....) If it doesn't work, all I've sacrificed is a useless 2610, and then I'll go ahead and order a digitizer from one of those places.

I just wanna keep my StreetPilot!!!!!

1. Street Pilots are known for trapping bits of sand, dust and dirt around the front bezel, between the plastic and the digitizer. Often, very carefully, sliding the corner of a paper business card around the periphery with a sweeping motion will remove the debris. When debris gets trapped it is falsely read by the digitizer as being touched. Edit: Never mind, I see you have had it apart.

2. Replace the digitizer. I've done that twice on two 2730 and it was pretty easy. The hard part was getting the case gasket back in place. The bonus was discovering that the display actually was white and not yellow. Sort of like removing cataracts

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I'm gonna +1 inobeam here. (Yeah, sometimes he gets stuff right, and this is one of those times.) Anyway, replacing the digitizer is fairly simple. Get some directions on line. I know Youtube has a couple of vids on the subject, and I think there are a couple of posts around with pics.

So I mounted the 2720 to get around today (yes, RIDING!) and about 10 minutes ago it starts doing the same ******* thing!!!!! WTF!!!!

Drove around with it last night long enough to get a fix. When these things sit for a few years, they get kinda confused. The it's been great all day, other than no BT, and now IT'S schizoid!

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Drove around with it last night long enough to get a fix. When these things sit for a few years, they get kinda confused. The it's been great all day, other than no BT, and now IT'S schizoid!
Ya know...If you have the ac adapter around, you can place the unit on a window sill and it'll get a fix right there. If it can see the sky, you'll get a satellite fix.

I upgraded to the zumo 665 for greater functionality, but I do miss the ol 2730-2820.

20-40% discount from Garmin towards a new Zumo
Now you tell me!
Better late than never? If you followed the Zumo 590 thread when it came out you would have seen multiple forum members reporting this discount as a replacement warranty for older units. 20% for units reported with a failure (mine lost the bluetooth), 40% for turning in the unit towards replacement.

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So the 2820 LIVES!!!!! 22 bucks on eBay for an American shipper, had it in 6 days. Just put it in. Hardest part is cleaning the gunk off of the display frame so you have a smooth surface for the new one. you don't want to leave any of that crumbled up rubber in there anywhere, because once the new digitizer goes on, you can't get under it if you discover some bit of crumbly mess makeing a spot on your screen. Anyway, stuck the new guy on, reassembled, powered up, PERFECT!

Because the old digitizer came out so well, I though maybe I'd take the one out of the 2610 and refurbish the 2720, which went flaky when i started using it as the backup. The 2610's digitizer cracked with the first insertion of the razor knife to separate it from the screen. 2610 is in the dumpster now. No great loss. I'll get another digitizer for the 2720, simply because I do NOT want to lose that Mach 3+ max speed! It's in there, but I can't get to it, because I can't touch the right menu!

Awesome. Wfooshee, when did you last update the maps on the 2820? Mine was 09 and contemplating doing it again, but with Windows 10 laptop I am a little worried.

The 2820 has 2008 maps in it. The 2720 has 2011, and nearly got destroyed doing that update. It says it still has 2006 or 2009 in it as well and that I should remove them, but it won't do it. The 2720 has a hole in New Mexico somewhere that it won't route past; it actually told me I couldn't get from California to Texas! Something broken in the map near Albuquerque, which makes it HRZ's fault!

I haven't yet encountered anything from the maps' age that I couldn't figure out. Sometimes it tells me I'm off route because the new four-lane was built half a mile to the east of the old highway, but I'm usually sharp enough to know that if I want to go north on highway 331, I can read road signs long enough to get through the part that disagrees. I'm not the guy that drove into a lake because the GPS said "turn right."

I decided after the 2011 update on the 2720 that the updates simply weren't worth the money, and why buy a lifetime update for a device that's out of life?

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