It is not that the Snoqualmie/ Blewett/Stevens pass loop hasn't been done many times but mid-Feb.? who'd have thunk. Took Snoqualmie out of town as it is lowest. Pass was not only bare and dry but clean as well, no salt, sand or anti-ice residue. No construction, did see a closure sign for a couple of 30 minute intervals scheduled for Wed. Checking WSDOT is a good idea. Discovered new (to me) breakfast eatery in the East end of Cle Elum called The Cottage Café, food was good and plentiful, coffee cup was kept full. Blewett was in good condition also, the lack of snow so far was eerie, the North side started showing some snow way off the roadway and not much as we progressed down. Got to 2, countryside looks like spring is here. (or there)Took back roads from Peshastin to Chumstick and through Plain toward lake Wenatchee and 207. Started seeing snow off to sides a bit as we got to the lk. Wenatchee area. These backroads did have some sandy surface areas, especially at intersections, prudence is advised. 207&2 intersection (coles corner) stopped at the 59er Diner for some highly recommended hot apple crisp, with or without carmal sauce and /or ice cream, your calories. On to Stevens and SNOW, first real observable and roadside amounts, chilly and some stretches of snow melt running across the road. When you go over the top the speed limit is posted at 35MPH, if the troops are out it could be a costly blunder. Usual traffic started clotting up the road after Index and on into Gold Bar and Startup and Sultan, Thank goodness for Ben Howard and High Bridge roads. First FYI road stuff of the year for me.