3rd Annual Moonshine run

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2005
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Tucson, AZ
3rd annual moonshine run, April 12,13,&14.

Like a fish out of water it just keeps getting bigger.

If your a beefeater don't miss this one, best hamburgers in the world.

Don't take my word go to the web site.


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Looks like fun....not to many twistys but good food and good people....so I signed up.
Right you are Bullet, all the riding is in the getting there.........................my favorite kind.

Just checked their site, 150 riders signed up as of now. From all over the U.S. and Canada.

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Looks like fun....not to many twistys but good food and good people....so I signed up.
Right you are Bullet, all the riding is in the getting there.........................my favorite kind.

Just checked their site, 150 riders signed up as of now. From all over the U.S. and Canada.
Mrs. Moonshine gonna have a hard time keeping up. 150 people won't fit in the yard, let alone inside the store. Better brown bag your lunch. :lol: If they actually plan on feeding what could end up well over 200 bikers and pillions, I hope the organizers are working closely with gramma and grandpa Moonshine, cause otherwise going to be some starved angry bikers.

Same thing at MTO. The airport restaurant, if you go for the elephant ear excursion, won't hold 150, even using the back banquet room. Going to be quite big for the britches, this one. Get the mushrooms and onion rings with your elephant ear, too. A small basket is more than I can eat, and a regular basket is enough for a table of four. Try not to laugh at the motorcycle training course going on just outside the restaurant window out on the ramp on the weekends.

I'm not signing up, but I may show up since it's so close to me. Blue is right about lack of twisties. This is the land of corners, not curves.

Rocket, I understand your concerns, but I don't think anyone will go away hungry. They will have a lot of local volunteers to fire up extra grills, help with the crowd, and other duties as needed.

With two to three hundred bikes expected, it will be a great opportunity to check out everyones rides, and swap stories. Plus funds generated by the event will go to support an orphanage in Imuris, Mexico. Chance to have a good time and support a good cause, doesn't get any better than that .

Mike-H, maybe next year eh! ;)

Rocket, I understand your concerns, but I don't think anyone will go away hungry. They will have a lot of local volunteers to fire up extra grills, help with the crowd, and other duties as needed.
With two to three hundred bikes expected, it will be a great opportunity to check out everyones rides, and swap stories. Plus funds generated by the event will go to support an orphanage in Imuris, Mexico. Chance to have a good time and support a good cause, doesn't get any better than that .

Mike-H, maybe next year eh! ;)
Oh, I didn't mean to rain on the parade. Glad to hear that it'll all be handled. I'm definitely interested in checking it out. I may strap a foldable chair on, and sit there in the shade and watch the festivities. Should really be a blast!

Well, I went ahead and registered, it sounds like a good time to start traveling around

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I just looked at the moonshine web site. I only saw 2 fjr forum people on there.

I went last year.... It was our first trip after 18 years without a cycle.

warm weather and Hail on the way.... crosses mississippi river and that all changed. It was colder and windy as hell we had a great time.

Wings, harleys , connies, customs, Victorys cool thing,,., fun and plenty of hamburgers.

I will be going again..... maybe even this time on a new '07 FJR..... Or maybe still on my connie who knows.


Took a look at the Moonshine site, 263 sighed up, one rider is doing 2091 miles to eat a burger in Moonshine.

Would this be an Iron Butt/Iron Gut ride? :rolleyes:

Nice video. I have to question the world's best burger claim, though. I hope that thing tastes a whole lot better than it looks in the video, if it's the world's best. Or is it the world's best moonburger? I'm sure after 2000+ miles, it hits the spot.

Nice video. I have to question the world's best burger claim, though. I hope that thing tastes a whole lot better than it looks in the video, if it's the world's best. Or is it the world's best moonburger? I'm sure after 2000+ miles, it hits the spot.
Not the best IMHO burger.... But the trip sure is a hell of a lot o fun. And braggin about how far you rode for a Cheez burger is priceless.

If these Two older women who cook for the moon shine lunch run.... Didn't have to make 1000 hamburgers in an hour or so....

What I mean is on a regular weekend at moonshine you may get a different burger altogether.

Fun event. everyone should go!


Might be a bit chilly this coming weekend and may keep the fair weather only crowd home. The website is showing 497 bikes bringing 627 people so far. I think the weather is looking pretty good with highs supposed to be 50's and only 30% chance of rain. Beth and I will be there rain or shine Friday and Saturday. I will probably be on my own Thursday. See ya there.

One rider doing 1100 miles from Oatmeal, Texas, (I looked it's real)for a Moonburger.

I might not ride that far for a burger, but I would for the T-shirt, see ya there. :clapping:

One rider doing 1100 miles from Oatmeal, Texas, (I looked it's real)for a Moonburger.
I might not ride that far for a burger, but I would for the T-shirt, see ya there. :clapping:
I might ride that far for a WET T shirt.

Last time I was there (about a month ago) there was a sign up that said something like

"Most Served In One Day"


and then the date, - but I can't remember it

Don't quote me on the exact number but that's what I remember.

Here are a few pics of the event so far:



The rest are hereclicky
