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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
Northern KY

Ok...just venting....move along. Nothing to see here.....

So, after my trip to Upstate NY a few weeks ago from the Cincinnati area I was a bit concerned about my tire on the back. I've got the Storms which I had put on last Sept at the EOM tire vendor deal thingy ma jobber.

No wobble, like the tires...yadda, yadda....

So today I'm checking out the rear to see just how much more I can squeek out of it and I decide it's just time to look into a new one. I have a Yammy dealer literally 5 miles from my house but I refuse to give them any money unless under direct torture so needless to say they are always last on the list.

Punch up Yammy site and go to "find a dealer" and start calling the first 5 in my area. I kid you not this is how it went.....

Wasn't sure which tire to get so I was inquiring about the the REAR tire only at this time and was looking at the 2CT's, Storms and possibly the Strada's. Basically my questions to them was just pricing, availability and timeframe to get one of the tires listed above.

Dealer #1: When I said, I had an 06 FJR and was inquiring about 180-55/17 tire availability/pricing he asked, "Is that the front or the rear?" A tad stumped at this response, I just said it was the rear. So, he starts muttering to himself while I assume flipping through his book and then to my amazment he says, "That's not the right size...the front tire is a 120...etc..etc..". I politely replied with, "I just need the rear tire please". *facepalm*n 2CT rear quoted at 199.95 + 65 M/B/T

Storm: 189.99 +

Strada: 169.99 +

Dealer #2: Admittedly a smaller dealer but when I called them and asked about the tire after taking the details he asked me what kind of bike I had (I did state this in the beginning) so I told him I had an 2006 FJR-A. He responded with, "Is that a dirt or road bike?" I again, was a bit stumped and told him it was a road bike, Yammy's big sport touring street bike. Ugh. 2CT rear quoted at 180.95 + 55 M/B/T

Storm: 189.95 +

Strada: 179.95 +

Dealer #3: Big dealer in the tri-state area was able to answer the questions correctly but tried very, very hard to convince me that I could use a standard sportbike tire (such as an R1 tire) on the Feej. He even went so far as to try to ensure me that the bike would rail with a softer sporty tire and that my tire life would be fine. Additionally he made a comment to the effect of that if I rode a sportbike people would have tires in stock for me instead of having to order them. I actually lol'd at that one. 2CT Rear quoted at 217.99 +75 (discount he stated) M/B/T

Storm: 199.99 +

Strada: 179.99 +

Dealer #4: No problems quick quote with little banter. 2CT rear quoted at 190.99 + 50 M/B/T

Storm: 179.99 +

Strada: 169.99 +

Dealer #5(local place I can't stand): So, I decided for reference to see what my local (5 miles away) dealer could do so I just got on the bike and drove over there (excuse to get out I suppose). After telling me that PIRELLI didn't make a 2CT he then told me they had a Corsa in stock. I asked him again to look up the Michelin Pilot Road 2CT he gave me the look, you know the can't you go find someone else to bother look. He finally located the tire and and informed me he could get it in 5-7 days and did I want it? His quoted price was 245.99 + 50 M/B/T and they *might* be able to squeeze me in there in a couple weeks. I said thank you and told him I'd think about it.

Storm: 227.99 +

Strada: 217.99 +

Just a bit frustrated with their lack on any type of knowledge and the general "please go bother someone else" attitude I got from every single dealer with the exception of #4. Not only that but the prices which I still think are absolute rape.

Ok, so still looking for a tire but at least I feel better now. Sorry for taking up valuable internet space for this rant. Admins feel free to move, delete as you see fit. :)


Sounds par for the course.

I took my wheels in to the local Yammy dealer (with tires in tow of course) during lunch last week. Mount prices were high with my own tires of course. Came back at 4:30 or so. Front tire mounted correctly, and balanced. Rear tire mounted backwards. :blink: :assassin: Told the young kid running the service counter "Rear is mounted backwards." He looks at it "Huh, you're right." No shit. :glare: Takes all of 2 seconds to check...wonder why the "mechanic" couldn't catch the obvious. I'm convinced he didn't even know there's a turn direction and he just got lucky with one and unlucky with the other.

To their credit the remounted and re-balanced it instantly and knocked 20 bucks off without me even asking.


Order up a set from SW Moto...

Grab a six pack of Guinness... Ride your happy ass with tires in tow up to Sharonville, Ohio. We'll mount them and balance them.

PM me and you can drop ship the tires to my dad's and you won't have to strap them on the back. :)


I took my wheels in to the local Yammy dealer (with tires in tow of course) ...Rear tire mounted backwards. ...wonder why the "mechanic" couldn't catch the obvious. I'm convinced he didn't even know there's a turn direction and he just got lucky with one and unlucky with the other.
To their credit the remounted and re-balanced it instantly and knocked 20 bucks off without me even asking.
To be fair: wheels just rolled-in to a shop -- it's a little hard to tell (sometimes) which way rotation is (some wheels have cast-in arrows for that purpose -- some not). Although, this being a Yamaha shop -- they should know. Actually, with the FJR, the front wheel is far more ambiguous than the rear (the rear -- all you need to know is which side the drive shaft is on).

The 20 bucks off was a nice gesture... :rolleyes:

Worst part is, showing up with a gun doesn't ensure lower pricing or better service either, unlike the liquor store I frequent. I can only guess they're just too used to it.

........245.99 + 50 M/B/T and they *might* be able to squeeze me in there in a couple weeks. I said thank you and told him I'd think about it.

Storm: 227.99 +

Strada: 217.99 +


whats funny is i went to a my dealer and quoted the same price on the 2CT (must be list price) and then proceeded to proclaim "free mount and balance" and it would only about 15 min if i took the wheels off my self. I then asked what if i brought my own tires in, he quickly pointed to the shop labor rate ($65 Hr) and told me about 60-65. now me being ex-auto sales and a "smartAzz" i quicky say" well, at YOUR shop rate of 65$ an hour, i would gladly pay for 15 min of your mechanics time of 17$ plus tax." to save face he tried to say no but, i when on "you said it only take 15 min so simple math would mean 25% of your shop rate of 65$ is 16.25, when can i bring them in?"

to say the least he continued to state "65 for mount and balance" now avoiding eye contact with me because i made him look like a tool in front of very one in the area.

i know the tech personally so i may bribe with his favorite brew + $20

"Is that a dirt or road bike?" Oh my spleen! Be careful, my dealer mounted my tires backwards.

My friend took his ST1100 to his Honda dealer for a new rear tire. They put-on the wrong size -- 170/60 instead of the 160/70 it's supposed to have -- easy to do, I guess?

But, you kind'a expect the dealer to get it right.... :angry:

But, you kind'a expect the dealer to get it right.... :angry:
Hellllll yeahhhhh, especially when I'm payin' 'em big bucks ($40+ per tire) and I can f*ck it up myself for free

Though I did break down and take in the FJR's rear tire last time, as that hunk 'o rubber is too much for me, and discovered that the Yamaha dealership's mount&balance fee has dropped to $23. Boy, was that a nice surprise! I think I'll start taking my SV-650 tires there too.

I actually managed to negotiate a decent tire change deal with Yamaha of Louisville: $37.50/set.

Originally, I was quoted $30 each, but spoke with the Service Manager, who agreed to the 30 minutes labor ($75/hr) price. My last set from SW Moto were mounted there, and I'm happy.

If you want it done right, (and cheaply I might add) you'll have to learn to do it yourself.

In an emergency I have had to have my tires changed twice at a dealer, the only times my bike has been to a dealer. The first time the tech didn't bother to take off the wheel weight, instead he slid it around the rim scratching it. The second tech dropped my bike, still waiting to get the parts from that deal. :angry:

"Is that a dirt or road bike?" Oh my spleen! Be careful, my dealer mounted my tires backwards.
It was actually kind of funny when he asked me that question the first thing that came to mind was, "well I guess it depends on if SkooterG is riding it" but alas I didn't think even this guy would know who he was. :p

The one guy two was odd.....180/55-17....Is that the front or rear? I'm like..uh...what? How many Yammy's have 180 front tires?

Weird, it was just one of those days I guess. I just wish my local dealers would unwedge their heads and realize they are losing so much biz buy trying to charge those prices. I mean, hell...I drove to WEST VIRGINIA on a bald front tire last year for EOM just to partake in the dealer tire buy. Had my local dealer even been remotely reasonable I would have just done it here. To bad to...they have a beautiful shop. It's just filled with nice bikes and meatheads.

I guess I should have done a formal dealer feedback post when I purchased my bike there but let's just say when I purchased my 06 there (3 days before EOM 06) it started off with me telling them to kiss my rear tire when they were trying to charge me for the bag liners (come standard on 06) which they seemed to have misplaced. Focus then shifted to the new ignition system I was going to make them give me as they tried to argue that a third lock did not come with the bike and that I could purchase a new one which of course would not be keyed to the ignition key.

3 days after picking up the bike and trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with it I realized they had both front forks rebound and compression set at different settings.

Oh well...the story goes on and on and on.....had to deal with them for almost a month after the purchase.


To be fair: wheels just rolled-in to a shop -- it's a little hard to tell (sometimes) which way rotation is (some wheels have cast-in arrows for that purpose -- some not). Although, this being a Yamaha shop -- they should know. Actually, with the FJR, the front wheel is far more ambiguous than the rear (the rear -- all you need to know is which side the drive shaft is on).The 20 bucks off was a nice gesture... :rolleyes:
Rear = disk always on the right. (BTW, how many bikes have a drive of any kind NOT on the left side?)

Front = cast markings.

You're right tho, "to be fair" a Yamaha dealer should know how to mount tires on FJR rims. Maybe I should just set my expectations in the dirt. :clapping: :lol:

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Order up a set from SW Moto...
Gunny SW Moto! They can usually supply whatever flavor you desire in a day or two, anywhere in the country!

My local Yamaha dealer mounts tires (even those bought elsewhere) for $16/wheel, removed from the bike.

BMW dealer I used to go to mounted etc for $40 per wheel then went to $60 per wheel. So I bought the HF mounting dohicky and will do my own from now on.

I take, and still will when I do my own, a piece of tape and stick it on the wheel with an arrow in the direction of rotation. Easy to do and if then still screw it up, you know not to go back.

I'm still amazed at auto and bike salesman/service people that don't have a clue about what they're selling or service. No pride in a job well done anymore in these industries.
