A couple of reprobates ride in the foothills.

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Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
A short notice short ride, although the B.S. sessions and a long leisure lunch made it an almost all day ride on the second shortest day of the year.

Met up with Dougie Bear near Auburn for a not so identical V-twin ride around the foothills. It was little chilly at first but the day warmed to nice temperatures during the ride. A fun day of riding pretty much all back roads, some new even to me, with a mix of goaty goat trails thrown in, no maps, no GPS, no destination, just winged it and even found a great lunch spot in downtown Jackson - Rosebud Cafe on historic Main street.

Great seeing you Doug, great day of riding with you, come back this way again, soon! Pose for the camera next time!




Hey! Reprobates is what I call yinz.

Nice looking day out at Pardee Dam. I even got to ride in the Burgh today, but not so much sun. So Sam, from those pictures, it looks like you've become dirt worthy. Is that true?

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A near perfect day to ride. Dirt worthy? The bike certainly is, not so sure I am yet. In time, that's the plan.

No Sam, neither of those steeds are 'dirt worthy'.

The best they can do is get dirty - which is better than most bikes on forum can do! :****:

Open invite to you and Bug if you wanna play on a track..... with real dirt bikes!

On the street side? Both of those bikes are a blast to ride.. Light weight, flickable,and stay on the powerband to drive out of corners.

Love it!

Geez Sam, I thought you knew where we were going? You fooled me.

Today was a fun day of riding the back and way back roads. I think the Man Strom with a set of aggressive tires could do the same as a S10 in the gravel stuff.

Carver nailed it, for ripping up the back roads these bikes are a blast. The Katoom did it's share of walking on the rear

Sunshine, dry, a ride in the foothills...sounds like a good day to me.

Thanks for taking us not-so-fortunate along!


Nice weekend, did the little dragon (hwy 49 south of coulterville) yesterday (sat) with sac cruisers came through Pardee on the way home.

Lots of sand on the road up there, but some nice roads round Don Pedro dam too

Little video of the top of the LD -

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That's some damn fine country you guys were in!
Hard to ride much higher in the hills without running into a bunch of sand on the roads.

Nice bike and setup Sam.

Doug, I guess your bike is OK too.

For the Sacramento Valley to be that warm and dry, and clear of fog in late December....I'm calling it a drought. I've been hearing a lot of complaining from my friends who ski that Tahoe is not very wintery either. I recall a few years ago riding the passes in mid January. It's looking kinda like that again.

For the Sacramento Valley to be that warm and dry, and clear of fog in late December....I'm calling it a drought. I've been hearing a lot of complaining from my friends who ski that Tahoe is not very wintery either. I recall a few years ago riding the passes in mid January. It's looking kinda like that again.
Big time drought. 2013 was the state's driest year ever on record. It's not good other than for winter riding.

Looking at those hills that should be green this time of year is very telling. Pardee looks surprisingly full. How is Folsom Lake and Oroville doing?

