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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Similkameen/Okanagan BC Canada
This happened a few seconds before I arrived at the scene.

I drove an alternate route to get home @ 3 hours later

The highway is still closed, and probably will be for a few more days, until highways deems the area safe for travel.

Those are some big ass rocks!

I'm contemplating wearing ATGATT in the cage....

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Oyyy! I was riding my FJR on that exact stretch 15 days ago in the Big Money Rally bagging big bonuses. Some how I don't think ATGATT would have helped that much in this case.....



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Wow! You were riding 'round here!!?? Should have popped in for a coffee, bro.
RenoJohn made them worth seriously big points in the month of January and I successfully slalomed through a storm in the Cascades and a storm in the Kootenais. They were too much to resist....given the FJR is part snowmobile, handles a big windshield well, and still enough watts to plug a Warm-N-Safe into. I baled on Princeton as Hedley was getting icy and still had a bunch of bonuses east to snag before dark. :)

Not the same rock slide, but here's what one looks like on video. Holy crap!

Things we flatlanders don't have to worry about.

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The FJR may be part snowmobile, but I'm not about to put that to the test.

She's parked in a heated basement, and I'd have to ride through more than foot deep snow, up an incline and more than 100' before even getting to my driveway, which is at least 500 yards of ice currently being covered with what looks to be another foot of the nasty white $hit!

I don't care much for winter...
