A photo tribute to OrangevaleFJR

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Hope I didn't steam since I really don't know what that means. I did watch it over and over and over. I peeled potatoes to it, I washed the floors to it and I cleaned the kitchen to it. At first I sobbed, then sobbed again, but after a while I found myself smiling and enjoying his life. I loved him so. I have known him for 41 years and will miss him for the rest of my life, but your work is helping me to heal and I appreciate it. I will keep it forever and I am really beginning to like motorcycle riders!


Damn... that was beautiful, and gut wrenching at the same time. I'm pissed that we won't be able to exchange recipes and old barn pictures at NAFO.

The photo with the trees and the blue FJR on the side of the road is my favorite FJR photo. When I saw that photo last year I knew I had to get the bike. Nevertheless, that photo is SPECIAL. It says a ton WITHOUT saying a word.
Here's an idea.... can we incorporate that photo somewhere on the FJR forum front page?
Better yet could we get some t-shirts made up with the picture and donate some proceeds to the family? Assuming

that we could get a decent reproduction of the shot.

Sorry to hear about this, just knew him from the threads I read almost daily on the forum. Awesome part of this group. He will be missed!

Yes, that is excellent!!! Count me in to buy one. How do we do this?? I'm willing to volunteer to assist in this!!!

If you never met Andrew, watch the video. You'll see how full of life Andrew was and why so many people miss him. Excellent job Scott,

Dam, GunMD that is one powerful tribute you have put together.

As I watched it several times the thought that were going through my mind about what Andrew left.

As I have read every post and all the comments I think the most precious thing that will be remember is Andrew showed unconditional love and that there is always hope and he was part of the soulation and he tells it all with his smile never to be forgotten

he always had this about him :) rip

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The photo with the trees and the blue FJR on the side of the road is my favorite FJR photo. When I saw that photo last year I knew I had to get the bike. Nevertheless, that photo is SPECIAL. It says a ton WITHOUT saying a word.
Here's an idea.... can we incorporate that photo somewhere on the FJR forum front page?
Better yet could we get some t-shirts made up with the picture and donate some proceeds to the family? Assuming

that we could get a decent reproduction of the shot.

Sorry to hear about this, just knew him from the threads I read almost daily on the forum. Awesome part of this group. He will be missed!

Yes, that is excellent!!! Count me in to buy one. How do we do this?? I'm willing to volunteer to assist in this!!!
I brought this up in another thread: how about a decal or sticker using that tree picture and a "In Loving Memory" or something? I'd buy one or three and proudly attach it to my screen, tank or bag, etc.

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I didn't know the guy, but it seems that his spirit comes right through in this tribute. Other than wishing that he was still here, my greatest disappointment is that I never had the opportunity to meet him.

Great choice of music.
