A Ride with Friends

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Shingle Springs, California
On Sunday, I convinced two of my favorite riding accomplices to run up into the mountains here,

and let me follow them on some great roads.

Patrick (RsvlFeej) and Mark (Bokerfork) are two VERY good motorcycle riders,

and I've loved almost every minute of every day I've spent chasing them around Northern Cal.

They both enjoy a good pace, but they never do stupid shit.

(I gotta say though, that they suck as navigators.

They got us lost about a dozen times on this day of riding. :D And don't let 'em tell you any different.)

Anyhooz, here are a few photographs of what the day looked like.

(Because we were "moving right along" and our route was over some challenging roads,

I couldn't manage a lot of "on the fly" picture-taking.)

Thank you again boys.












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Very Nice Ride Report, Old Michael; Thank You! Beautiful photographs and nice to see you have made other friends, since Dr. Rich kicked you to the curb. No photos of tu Papa Chuy??

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I recognize almost all the locations, and might be able to reconstruct your route from them, except for a few holes in the geography reflected in photos. Nice pics, too, as usual (and a nice change-up from what Bust woulda posted in this section with that title).

No photos of tu Papa Chuy??
I'll dig up something. :D

I recognize almost all the locations, and might be able to reconstruct your route from them, ...
Went like this, Rich.

From Auburn out Foresthill Road, to Mosquito Ridge Road (wooohooo!), a-a-a-all the way out on forest roads to Wentworth Springs Road,

to Loon Lake, and then back on Ice House Road to 50. Down 50 to 49 north to 193 and around and back to Auburn,

and down into the hot-assed valley, including a good few miles of agressive lane-sharing in the wadded-up,

Sunday afternoon, westbound I-80 zoo approaching Roseville.

Loved every minute of it. You shoulda joined us.

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...is relieved to see no photographic evidence of the quickie with your "pals"

Yanno, statistically speaking, women are the largest watchers of gay male porn ;)
Are you SURE ?!?!?!

ps - some of my best friends - male and female - are gay but I'd rather watch women than guys :blink:

Yanno, statistically speaking, women are the largest watchers of gay male porn ;)
You're a friggin' encyclopedia, huh? :D

I live in ButtF&*k Nowhere Kanada and have no life.

Go ahead, rub it in!

Yanno, statistically speaking, women are the largest watchers of gay male porn ;)
You're a friggin' encyclopedia, huh? :D
But, a really cute encyclopedia!!!

schweeeet talker! :wub:

Yanno, statistically speaking, women are the largest watchers of gay male porn ;)
Are you SURE ?!?!?!

ps - some of my best friends - male and female - are gay but I'd rather watch women than guys :blink:
Ladies, Ladies: Please slow down! You just know that if ShinyPartsUp sees these most recent posts of yours, his head is going to spin off of his shoulders. I had a $100 phone bill last year when you two were talking like this: It took hours on the telephone to explain oral sex to SPU! Sadly, I am really not sure if he really "got it"!!!
