A tale of 2 helmets

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester UK
We bought 2 Cabergs 3 years ago and like them. We have considered replacing them this year and as they have not had any knocks decided to wait another year as the blue tooth intercoms are still in their early stages, and we would like to upgrade to one when we change hats.

We decided however to renew the visors and went back to J&S accessories in Northwich where we bought them from. The new visors were genuine Caberg and took 6 weeks to arrive after ordering. We took the helmets back to the shop where they fitted them for us. The cost of the visors was £65 for two. (About $130).

Off we went for the weekend doing a 480 mile ride through heavy weather. Mine leaked down the inside from the very outset. I had a constant drip onto my face and a stream running down the centre of the visor. We tried tape across the top, but that meant that I couldn't lift the visor or the flip-front to clear any condensation. I applied a gel to the inside of the visor before we set off expecting condensation because of the wet weather. As you can guess this soon stopped working because of the water ingress.

Off we went back to J&S. We looked at new Cabergs which have a better and thicker seal across the top edge of the opening which would indicate that this has been a problem before. The helmets have gone back to Caberg to be sorted.

Whilst there we looked at replacing the helmets there and then. The guy said that he would knock off the cost of the new visors which we thought was excellent. He then went on to explain that the Caberg bluetooth intercom was getting poor reviews and keeps losing signal. The only one at the moment worth buying is the Nolan system which along with 2 new helmets would have been just under £800 hence our decision to wait another year.

We are very grateful for the excellent service offered by J&S and will be going back there without doubt for our new lids next year. In fact, I think it deserves a letter to the boss. They have tried their best for us with the visors and been honest about the intercom.
