ABS brake problem

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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New member
Apr 9, 2013
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I have an 2007 FJR have an 2007 FJR1300 and the abs brakes quit working. The abs light is on and the servo motor runs with the ingnition key off. Has anyone had this problem? Any suggestions?


Just to get going I would pull the two ABS fuses (page 6-29 in the Owners manual); then test your brakes for 'normal' function.

Have you done any work on the bike recently like removing wheels? Could you have damaged a wheel speed sensor? If the basics look OK then I would suspect the ABS control unit.

I pulled both fuses and disabled the abs and the brake system works fine. I haven't removed the wheels on the bike recently. It will work fine for now.

If you haven't already done so, it might be worth replacing the fuses just for grins. Who knows, by pulling the fuses you may have 'reset' the control unit.

If it's still the same then it's either run without ABS (no big deal IMHO) or keep an eye on E-bay for a replacement unit.
