ABS Makes Hippies Cry

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Bill Lumberg

Oct 22, 2014
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About 540am, rolling into zombie central, a Sentra made about as an abrupt double lane change to the right to catch an exit as is possible without rolling the car. Guess who was occupying that space? Just yesterday I was thinking- bike is coming up on 2 years of ownership. I really need to cycle the ABS in some gravel, or buy the tool. Task completed! Origato! Two wheel chatterslide engage.

It was so close, I wasn't at all sure there wasn't contact. I gently suggested to the driver that he pull to the shoulder (an admore light bar in hazard mode is a beautiful thing). Checked the bike with my flashlight, looked okay. Hippie gets out and starts apologizing. I told him we were both lucky. What was an inconvenience could've been a permanent bad day for both of us. He starts crying. I tell him it's cool, just be careful. He wants to apologize more and blubber. I empathized, but at this point we are in the dark, on the side of the road, with cars whizzing by at 85mph. He is standing one foot in the roadway. I finally had to tell him someone else not paying attention was going to hit us if we didn't get moving.

And that's how I crossed off a maintenance item before 6am.

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And that is why I will never own a street bike without ABS. I'm just not that good of a rider.

Glad you brick has been cycled.

ABS & ATGATT - Two things that will ALWAYS be with me on a motorcycle! Glad you came out of it unscathed. Too bad you didn't have it on video, so the blubbering dipshit could be ticketed. If it hit his wallet it might make a difference. He probably got back in his car, wiped his face with an old fast food napkin and went on driving like an idiot.

Whew! Glad you're here to write about it.

Too many drivers get hypnotized with cruise control, GPS nav, music/talk/sports radio, smartphone, doobie, and 4 lanes of freeway going their direction ..... then, "OMG! This is my exit!"

Too many drivers who AREN'T DRIVING. Suspend their license for 6 months; maybe that will get their attention.

I glad to hear you were not injured in the incident. You did a great job of handling the situation. I may have been more inclined to clocking him one myself!

Glad your here to tell the tale.

Thanks for the reminder that those skills need to be praticed.

Whew, Bill, that was close! Glad to hear of the positive outcome.

Bill, you need to prepare yourself for what is likely to follow. When that driver finally recovers and comes out of his safe zone, then he may very likely hit you with a lawsuit for all the microaggressions you committed.

Glad to see you still kickin' Bill. That could have been a really bad day.

Whew! Glad you're here to write about it.

Too many drivers get hypnotized with cruise control, GPS nav, music/talk/sports radio, smartphone, doobie, and 4 lanes of freeway going their direction ..... then, "OMG! This is my exit!"

Too many drivers who AREN'T DRIVING. Suspend their license for 6 months; maybe that will get their attention.
Yeah HUD, but you forget the one that I watched zip across two lanes to exit the other day: she was eating a salad propped on her lap with a fork in her right hand, a drink in her left and passing me. When I glanced over I immediately let off the throttle just in time to watch her hang a hard right to her exit. I wanted to follow her and kick her door in but my sensibilities got the better of me.

Did I tell you about my female employee that got a speeding ticket.

She didn't see the speed limit change because she was blow drying her hair with the dash vents.

Wow that kind of stuff drives me crazy, especially if she's in a convertible! But yes it's still dumb and, dare I say, immoral. Motorcycle
