accidents can happen to the best of us

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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Well,don't really know how to start this thread other then to say,everyone out there please be careful out there next time you get on your bike to go for a ride whether it's around the corner or for a weekend trip.

I've really been working a lot here the last month out of town and haven't gotten to ride very much so my wife {Glenda} and I had a nice 4 day trip planned up into North Carolina and theBRP.

The trip started out wonderfully from Ga., great weather,I had the bikes all cleaned up and checked out as I always do before we go.We took some good back roads up through north ga. and stopped in clayton for something to eat and gased up. I like to avoid the highway on our trips unless I've got to get somewhere quick and we took a road out of clayton called warwoman road, it's about 10 or 12 miles of nice twisty's til you run into hiway 28. Glenda is an experienced pretty good rider and I feel blessed to be married to her.

She and I ride well together.She has several different bikes to ride but her favorite is her bmw r1100rs.

Sorry for all these details but I just need to do this,I'm a little upset as I type this.

Typically I always lead and she follows me,I sometimes ride a little faster then she does on the twisty's,but not overly fast and usually I'm not to far ahead and will slow down and wait after agood run ahead.

Well I slowed and waited and no Glenda.I'm kind of panic stricken at this point because I know that something has happened to her, so I turn around real quick and haulass back up the road and around the corner I come to see her laying in the middle of the road beside her bike.

It's a terrible feeling seeing anyone laying in the road that's been in a motorcycle accident.

But it's compounded a thousand times when it's someone you love and care about.

A lady was behind her stopped to help and I did a quick get off of my bike.

I asked her to call 911 and she left.I thought she had left the scene and was pretty upset as I tried to give my wife some comfort and aid.

She had pretty severe pain in her upper left ribcage area and no other apparent broken bones that I could immediately see. After a few minutes I got her off to the side of the road when I thought her injuries weren't to severe.I tried to call out on my cell phone and shit no service, I was a little pissed and had a few cager's go by that didn't stop to render any assistance,that pissed me off more so and at this point I'm screaming in anger at the thought of the woman that stopped and left.Well a couple of minutes later the woman shows back up with another woman and a man and tells me she left because of no phone service in that area.She called 911 and said they'd be there soon.Glenda was really worried about her bike,she's so proud of that bmw and so I backed my ass up to the bike and stood it up and wheeled it off to the side.

Glenda was pretty coherent through the whole ordeal and told me she was going along fine about 30 miles an hour in a right hand tight curve when all of a sudden her steering went radically left into the turn and the bike went down lowsided and she hit the road on her side then slapped her helmet on the road.

At this point she said she had lost her breath and was stuggling to breath.Really got the shit slapped outta her.I'm surmising that she hit a rock or some gravel because she told me she doesn't think she hit her brakes.Well afirestation paramedic shows up,then some volunteers, and finally an ambulance and they are trying to determine her injuries will asking all kinds of questions,they want to look at the helmet etc.

I'm like can we have a conversation later and get her to the hospital?

I really just did'nt realize what a process these trained proffesionals go through at an accident scene and they did a wonderful job.The bike seemed to have cosemetic damage more then anything to me and I cranked it right up.The fellow that came back with the ladies offered to drive it to thre house acouple miles up the road and I agreed to that.The hospital they took her to was about thirty miles away and I followed them to the hospital.After a couple hours there the doctor determined through x-rays that she might have one rib fracture but said with rib injuries it's real hard to tell on x-ray's.He said if it was a fracture that she would be experincing real pain after about 7 to 10 days and we'd know for sure and to go see our regular doctor in a few days.She just seems to be in discomfort but sleep through the night pretty well, actually she still sleeping as I type this.I'm just thankful that she wasn't badly hurt and thank all that helped.

This morning I've got to go pick up the bike with my truck and thank those nice people who helped us.

With all the shit going on in the world these days you have something bad like this happen and you realize that there are so many good people out there willing to help.

Sorry for this rant and my tale of woe but what started out as a wonderful weekend trip and turned into something bad makes me grateful that things can always be worse.

Please,when you get on your bikes today to go for a ride,don't take it for granted because shit happens.

Be careful out there and have a god day!

I am sorry for your wifes crash and injuries. It makes you realize how fine the line is between a successful ride and disaster.

Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.


SORRY to hear of your wife's accident. I can imagine the wild range of emotions you felt. I am glad that she was not hurt more than she was. Take care of her and give us an update later on down the line.

And thanks for posting this wakeup call, though we don't like to hear of loved ones being injured...


Sorry to hear of your wife’s accident. Wishing her a full and speedy recovery.


Sorry for all you and the wife went through and so glad it wasn't worse. Sounds like Glenda is going to come through it ok, if she was worried about her bike then she intends to get on it again !

I suspect it's going to be tough for you not to be overprotective on future rides, best wishes for a speedy recovery to you both !

Sorry to hear about the accident, and my best wishes on your wife's recovery. Having watched my son slide off a cliff once (minor injuries to both he and his bike--a lone miracle tree saved him), I empathize with your feelings. Hang in there.

By the way, this month's "Mental Motorcycling" column in Motorcycle Consumer News focuses on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, pointing out that it applies to persons such as your wife who have had a bike accident. I recommend you get a copy (the November issue) and the two of you read it. If you can't locate a copy, PM me and I'll scan the page and park it at Photobucket where you can get to it. You could also probably find a lot of info on the Web.

The reason I suggest this is that my wife had a bad scare (not a crash) on her bike and never rode again. :( Of course, I then *had* to buy a two-up bike so we could ride together, thus my Feejer. :D )

Best of luck. We're here for you.

I hate to hear this stories. Thankfully she is OK and will heal to continue your good life together. Many aren't so lucky.


My best wishes to your wife and hope the ribs are not broken.

I hate to hear about these crashes, especially the ones where the rider was taken by surprise. It's one thing when I'm doing something stupid and risk a crash, but it's a totally different thing when a rider is behaving and still gets bitten.

I hope you and your wife are back on the bikes soon.

Thanks for the safety reminder. And to all those East Coasters out there that get to experience four seasons and haven't been paying too close attention lately because of your busy lives, please remember that wet leaves may be around your very next corner.


Sorry to hear about the accident.

You really never know when the wet leaves, fine sand, fuel oil spill are going to ambush you.

No matter how good and careful you are, sometimes you just go down.

At least your wife is not seriously hurt and her Beemer can be fixed. Too bad about your road trip, though.

That is as good as ruined.

Cheer up bro and make sure your wife does not blame herself for her low-sider.

Sometimes physics enforces its laws to the letter and without prior warning <_<


I'm sorry to hear of your accident, but I'm glad to hear that it wasn't worse. I am sometimes jealous of the guys that have their ladies ride their own bike with them. Then I hear about this kind of thing and I think that I'm not sure my nervous system could take it.

My lady friend indicated she might be intrested in learning to ride. To which I responded, "don't even think about it. Not on my watch".

I hope that your Mrs. has a speedy recovery.


Also sorry to hear about your wife's accident and to read how shaken up you are.

When I was 18 my High School sweetheart and I were passengers in an auto accident where she suffered a head injury (in addition to 20+ broken bones) that left her terminal for a a coma for a couple of months...completely speechless for a year and in a wheelchair for better part of three years. I left college for three years to nurse her back to health full time and we are close, close friends 20 years later. She still has some residual effects from the accident including trouble with short term memory....but she is awesome!!

So as I read your post, and you shared how upset you were, I feared the worst and was glad to read on and here that the extent of her injuries aren't life threatening. Count your blessings.

I wish her a speedy recovery and hope to hear a ride report from both of you soon.

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So many well wishers,I thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and also your own experiences.

Thank you kindly. I got back a little while ago from picking up her bike at the peoples house who so graciously helped out and the bike seems in reasonably good shape.Those horizotally opposed engines on the beemers seem to take sliding impacts pretty well.A slightly scratched up head and some plastic replacement and she'll be ready to roll again.I asked glenda if she was scared to ride again and her reply was{ if I'd done something really wrong or stupid to cause this I wouldn't want to ride but i feel i didn't and want to ride again}.That's the attitude I'm glad to see.She has always been a pretty careful rider.

I went right by the accident scene and stopped and couldn't really see anything that might have caused her mishap,agood dry road with no real debris in the road.On my way back up the same road a couple of squids came by poping wheelies,all I could do was shack my head.

RonBB hope you are doing well after your mishap in arkansas.Thank you all again,this forum is a good place to get feedback from good people.

Busted up ribs are not funny whatsoever, but sure am glad is wasn't worse.

Coincidently, no less than four (4) guys on the Blackbird forum have gone down in the last 36 hours..... starting on Friday, the 13th..... :blink:
