Action Alert write now to your House Rep

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hopedale, MA
Please go here:

then click on the link under this heading:


you will be able to send an email to your rep right from here.

This is the issue:

U.S. Representative Michael Burgess (R-TX-26) recently introduced H.R. 2793, "The HIPAA Recreational Injury Technical Correction Act." A similar measure obtained 177 bipartisan cosponsors last Congress.

H.R. 2793 aims at ending health care discrimination for individuals participating in legal transportation and recreational activities-activities like motorcycling, snowmobiling, horseback riding, and all-terrain vehicle riding.

This legislation addresses a loophole caused by a Department of Health and Human Services' rule making it possible for health care benefits to be denied to those who are injured while participating in these activities.

"The development of this bill could not have been possible without bipartisan congressional support and the hard work of the American Motorcyclist Association," stated Congressman Burgess. "I look forward to working alongside the AMA to get this legislation passed into law."

Burgess was joined by Congressman Ted Strickland (D-OH-6) in introducing the House legislation.

Congressman Strickland said, "It's shameful to allow health insurers to discriminate against individuals who take part in perfectly legal modes of transportation, hobbies or activities. According to this rule, a person injured while drinking and driving would be covered by their health insurance, but an individual who falls from a motorcycle may not. It just makes no sense."

On August 21, 1996 an important opportunity arose when President Clinton signed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), prohibiting employers from denying health care coverage based on a worker's pre-existing medical conditions or participation in legal activities, such as motorcycling.

In 2001, the Department of Health and Human Services released the final rules that would govern the HIPAA law. The rules recognize that employers cannot refuse health care coverage to an employee on the basis of their participation in a recognized legal activity. However, the benefits can be denied for injuries sustained in connection with those activities. Therefore, you were guaranteed the right to health care coverage but not guaranteed any benefits in return for your monthly payments.

The AMA is urging all motorcyclists to notify their Representatives and tell them to co-sponsor and support H.R. 2793, "The HIPAA Recreational Injury Technical Correction Act."

Please send an email today.


Writing your representative from the AMA website is amazingly easy. Just fill in YOUR information and it makes a form letter for you, and sends it to the proper person based on your zip code.

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Hey, I did it and if I can anyone can!

I can't begin to express how important this matter is.

We have an urgent responsibility to each other as riders and sports enthusiasts to respond as soon as possible.

Thanks to all here who will make the effort to participate.


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I did it and then sent it off to several friends.

Please, trust me, this is important.

If the insurance cos. could have denied me coverage because I was on a bike I would be living under a bridge somewhere.

Click the link. send the email. 's easy

I ended up putting Civil Liberties.

Probably not the best but I was thinking Insurance and didn't think of Health.

Oh well the important thing is I did it...

