Adjusting the heat vents

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Sep 2, 2008
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Portland, Oregon
I have a 2007 FJR which I enjoy. I understand you can adjust the vents to change the heat (it's been a warm summer so I probably should have investigated this earlier). Where are the vents and how can I adjust them?



They are'nt vents, they are like barge boards or spoilers on the sides in front of your legs, see the 2 large screws on each one? turn them a quarter turn and move the edge outward about 3/4" to the new hole location. They don't do much in the way of cooloing you down, they just move the hot air around the outside of your legs more.

I have a 2007 FJR which I enjoy. I understand you can adjust the vents to change the heat (it's been a warm summer so I probably should have investigated this earlier). Where are the vents and how can I adjust them?
Well covered in the Bin O' Facts you were strongly suggested to read when you signed up earlier today.

Heat vents? What heat vents? :blink:

(Wonder if mine even open???? <_< )

Just set mine out in prep for trip to CFR. No other reason other than to try it, testing for cold weather soon. Will let you know my thoughts next week.

Sissy, suck it up!!! We don't need no stinkin' heat vents!

I have a 2007 FJR which I enjoy. I understand you can adjust the vents to change the heat (it's been a warm summer so I probably should have investigated this earlier). Where are the vents and how can I adjust them?

I used mine this summer. Could feel the heat routed around legs easier as the sun went down and got a bit cooler out. My mind told me it helped.

They actually work better in the winter to keep you warm than they do in the summer to keep you cool.

Flaps deployed = warmer.

They actually work better in the winter to keep you warm than they do in the summer to keep you cool.

Flaps deployed = warmer.
That's been my experience also. Last winter I had a solid week of temps in the 20's each morning on my commute and having the "flaps" out noticeably helped keep the legs warmer. All I was wearing on my legs was blue jeans under my Aerostitch Darien pants (Cordura and multiple Gore-tex layers). I keep the flaps in during the summer so that more relatively cool ambient air can hit my legs.

They actually work better in the winter to keep you warm than they do in the summer to keep you cool.

Flaps deployed = warmer.
That's been my experience also. Last winter I had a solid week of temps in the 20's each morning on my commute and having the "flaps" out noticeably helped keep the legs warmer. All I was wearing on my legs was blue jeans under my Aerostitch Darien pants (Cordura and multiple Gore-tex layers). I keep the flaps in during the summer so that more relatively cool ambient air can hit my legs.

YUP, same here. Hot is hot and I cant tell the difference at all. But opening them up in the winter def deflects the cold air around your legs and helps to keep you warm.

I guess I must be one of the lucky ones. :clapping:

My 1300 CC beast cramed inside a small aluminum frame and surrounded by plastic actually doesn't create any heat. In fact, it runs so cool I store my beer under the gas tanks in a special foil-lined compartment. :yahoo:

I thought those little things on the side were for creating more lift and decreasing take-off speed. You know, spoilers like an airplane? :dribble:

"Spoilers" IN = Warm air moves around it and over your legs. Great for cool-weather riding.

"Spoilers" OUT = Warm air moves around and over your legs, but does not hit them as much. Marginally better for hot-weather riding and short take-offs.

"Spoilers" IN = Warm air moves around it and over your legs. Great for cool-weather riding.
"Spoilers" OUT = Warm air moves around and over your legs, but does not hit them as much. Marginally better for hot-weather riding and short take-offs.
you got that backwards hoss.

sorry, just had to say it. :D

I was of the opinion that the flaps out were best for cool weather riding...last April, we rode in the NC mountains...42 degrees in the morning and I had them open. opening them makes your fairing 1.5"s wider and deflect more cold air off your legs.

I rode across the country, in 100 degree weather, to NAFO in July. Of course I had them closed. Was riding with ROADGLIDE, who had his opened and confidently told me that in hot weather, you should have them open, because it allows more air to mix into the engine heat behind the flaps...resulting in lower temp air blowing on your feet. So I tried it both ways for 10 days through Utah, CO., Texas and Oklahoma...and he was right.


- in extreme hot or cold - flaps out

- 60 - 90 degree weather - flaps in

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I think the manual says you're supposed to ride with one in and one out until you determine which one is blowing heat on your boys. Then close/open the appropriate one, depending on the weather.

I have a 2007 FJR which I enjoy. I understand you can adjust the vents to change the heat (it's been a warm summer so I probably should have investigated this earlier). Where are the vents and how can I adjust them?

Spring & Fall out, Summer in. You adjust the two screws on either side of the fairing. About a 1/4 turn unloack them and then you sloley take them right out. Once they are out you can move the "vent's" to the out position. This will direct a bit of warm air to your legs, instead of directing it out past them when they are in.

We are not talking furnace heat, but you can notice a difference.

Ahh fooey! Do what I did and take her up to FJR nominal speeds. My right flap (visor is the correct name) snapped off somewhere in the Northern Nevada desert.

No more worrying about "In or Out". :D
