Aerostich Roadcrafter - One Piece - Fitment Qestions

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Harrisburg, NC
To All,

Just got my Aerostich Roadcrafter one piece suit. Called Stich as they asked and walked through the fitment while sitting on the bike and whatnot.

My only fitment issue "might" be around the knee armor and its vertical position. With regards to my knee cap, the armor is about 1/2 inches above the top edge of the knee cap. This puts a larger portion of the armor below the knee cap versus above the knee cap.

Where does the knee armor on your suits line up verticall with regards to your knee cap? Are there equal amounts of armor above and below the cap basically centering the armor on the knee? What are the general thoughts from you guys on the vertical positioning of the armor?

If I decide the armor position needs to be changesd, I basically have to send the suit back and they make me a new one with the changes. The one they sent me is a standard size and goes back into their stock. It would be several weeks before I got the new suit. I obviously want my suit to be correct, but I am not exactly sure what "correct" is and how far off it can go before I should send it back.

Any thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated,


Here's some pics - I hope they help. These might give you an idea of how the armour is supposed to fit over the knees.

My stitch is highly modified because of the "skewed" ratio between my height and my width. Due no doubt to the massive muscle development I've experienced over the years from long, intense workouts. That, or the number of hours I've spent doing my couch potato thing.

Both arms and legs were shortened to fit - the stitch started as a size 50R.

Walking -


Riding -


Couple of thoughts when you get the rest of the stuff figured out:

a.) continuous velcro down the front flap ...helps the water-crotch that many experience

b.) might want the neck strap shortened or lenghthened to your liking

c.) velcro on the sleeves for maps ...a standard feature, perhaps you're like me and will opt for "no thanks" on that goofy feature

d.) you have a lot of options, you can do without the reflective material if you wish. A buddy of mine gets enough attention without being lit up by any/every light and opted for no reflective stuff ....and I must say his "stealth" look is a great look. Something I'll consider on my next one.

Enjoy it, ---my stich is the single best attire i've ever bought ...period.

OH, and take your time, once you tell them what you want, you'll be near the front of the line as they go by purchase date is worth it to get it right. I had tow suits to fit before MY custom one arrived ...well worth the trouble to get it the way I wanted it.

Due no doubt to the massive muscle development I've experienced over the years from long, intense workouts.
No doubt, me wonders how that muscle mass doesn't split it right open .....your helmet that is :)
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On my stich there are two horizontal lines of stiching in the fabric over the top of the pads.

When I am sitting the lower stiching goes right acroos my knee cap..

I have about 2.5 inches of armour above the top of my patella. This varies a little depending on what I am wearing beneath the stich. The less I wear the more the suit hangs. The description above is with a pair of jeans on. I just went and put it on.

My suit is completely custom. I sent them all the measurements and had two shippings of the suit to my home then on the bike while on the phone with them for adjustment.

At the very least I would call them and ask their opinion. They have been doing this a long time.

Good luck and I am sure you will love the suit. I know I do mine

I had to have my stich custom made. The arms and legs were too long for my body. They are VERY good at getting the measurements that they need to get it right, Let them talk you through the process and have your suit made to fit your body. The "test" suit that they sent me put the knee pads too low on my leg. my properly made suit puts them right over my knee.

I have a Stich that I've ridden with for 9 years and love it. I wouldn't wear anything else.

The knee pads sit about equal above and below the cap or perhaps a little low. Mine's a 48L and was off the rack many years ago. The customer service is first rate and they continue to warrantee the zipper pulls as they tend to fall off occasionally. Couldn't be happier but they aren't for everyone.


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