Air Hawk

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Fencer had one of these, maybe he will chime in?
BTW: if you search you will find threads like these.

Thanks man - boy glad Iggy is on his way to WFO - gives me time to hide before he finds out I didn't do the "search".

I just saw one this morning at the dealer and thought I'd found something new... should'a known better. :blink:

I don’t have a lot of butt cushion so I’ve tried various products including an Air Hawk and sheepskin. The Air Hawk did help (on top of Corbin seat) a bit but not enough. I recently bought a Bill Mayer saddle and in hindsight I should have just saved my money and time and bought the Bill Mayer from the get go. If money is not an issue, forget the Air Hawk and buy a custom saddle (Mayer, Russell).

I got an airhawk for my CB750. The bike was well used when I got it and I put on an additional 25,000 miles of mostly short rides but a few 1000 miles in a weekend. And the first 500 mile day did me in. The seat was too uncomfortable to sit for more than an hour or so.

I bought the airhawk afer reading a story of a BMW rider going from Missoula, MT to Arizona. He bought one because it was cheaper than shipping his bike back to Missoula. He loved it.

It sure made riding the CB750 a lot better. My brother used one on his wheelchair to eliminate the skin sores from too much hard contact.


1) Not as good as a really good seat - but what is a really good seat to me may not be to others

2) It will raise you up 1/2 to 1 inch. Not an issue on the Honda, but it hasn't worked well for me on the FJR.

3) not a bad thing but it will take a few rides to get it adjusted right.

4) it doesn't look like part of the bike.


1) realatively cheap

2) It does remove the "hot" spots where your butt touches the higher and or harder parts of any seat.

3) It improves the cooling airflow under your butt.

4) You can use it or not (take it off) easily.

5) It has held up very well.

I need a little more than the stock fjr seat provides. I'm thinking of getting the Yamaha comfort seat but will be holding off until after the EOM. I"m hoping to see a few seats there to compare.

If you need any specific detail let me know.


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Air Hawk

It's not a replacement for a good seat...

But it can be damn helpful. I think the harder the original seat (say on top of a Corbin) vs the soft mushy stock the better your results will be.

I have one, and use it, but I also need a better seat (period) and the Air Hawk alone isn't going to eliminate that need. Even when I replace my seat, I'll still keep it around for a change of pace, or at least that's the plan.

P.S. I don't know where you are located, but if you'd like to try mine and you are close by you are welcome. It also serves double duty in my household though. We spend significant time at a Gym where my daughter does gymnastics. The bleachers there are the absolute pits! Made from plywood and the Air Hawk gets used there too.

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Air Hawk
It's not a replacement for a good seat...

But it can be damn helpful. I think the harder the original seat (say on top of a Corbin) vs the soft mushy stock the better your results will be.

I have one, and use it, but I also need a better seat (period) and the Air Hawk alone isn't going to eliminate that need. Even when I replace my seat, I'll still keep it around for a change of pace, or at least that's the plan.

P.S. I don't know where you are located, but if you'd like to try mine and you are close by you are welcome. It also serves double duty in my household though. We spend significant time at a Gym where my daughter does gymnastics. The bleachers there are the absolute pits! Made from plywood and the Air Hawk gets used there too.
All - Thanks for the replies

Hey Renegade,

Thanks for the offer - I'm gonna swing back by the dealer, as he said he'd let me try it out for a few hours...

You're a little too far away to come just to sit on your bike, but I do appreciate the offer.(and I'd just be jealous of your '06!!)

Think I'll save up some dough and just get a custom seat. Everytime I try to take a short cut it always ends up.... well - you know!

I don’t have a lot of butt cushion so I’ve tried various products including an Air Hawk and sheepskin. The Air Hawk did help (on top of Corbin seat) a bit but not enough. I recently bought a Bill Mayer saddle and in hindsight I should have just saved my money and time and bought the Bill Mayer from the get go. If money is not an issue, forget the Air Hawk and buy a custom saddle (Mayer, Russell).
I tried out a Bill Mayer seat I got a few weeks ago and found it to be very hard, harder than stock. I could not make it more than 50 miles with out the same pelvis touch down points giving me allot of pain that I had with the stock seat. I can not make it through any breaking period with out a seat pad.

I tried the AirHawk seat and it kept my but pain free for 350 mile rides. I have not tried more that that. It dose pitch me into the tank more that the Bill Mayer seat dose with out the pad on it.

The AirHawk pad dose work well, and I would be limited to 50 mile rides with out it. But I would prefer not to have pad on my seat. I think I try the Russell seat after they catch up with orders in the fall when I get back from my summer vacation. But only if I can find out if it is has a softer feel from the start and dose not require a painful break-in period for my flat but.

One more note about the Bill Mayer seat, even though it dose not work for me, I think it’s well designed and good quality seat. I bet that it dose work well for almost all of their customers. After an initial break-in period, it will further conform to its owner shape and work well for almost every one.

I’ve just got a flat but that needs more help than a hard seat, not mater what the shape, can provide. I need a softer top layer on any seat I use.

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