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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2005
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Harvest Al.
I am looking for an alarm with pager. I dont care how easy it is to install because I will be having Smitty do that :clapping: I want a pager so that at hotel I will be paged if someone screws with the bike.

Thanks Mike

Bluestreek is using the above mentioned alarm, and IIRC he has been happy with it.

Thats exactlly what I am looking for. Any opinion on the perimeter sensor. I would be concerned that it might go off to much and be a pain in the A@@
I have been using this one for over a year and a half. Clicky here

The i500SE comes with all the extras (perimeter sensor, battery back up and ignition dis-abler) I have been pretty happy with this unit. A little more piece of mind when staying in motels or parking to go to a restaurant or what ever. If there are a lot of people around the perimeter sensor is a pain, but you can set the alarm with or without the perimeter sensor. Its your choice. Although you can also adjust the range of the perimeter sensor, I've been using mine the way it came with good results.

Be sure to get the harness for the FJR, it makes installation a lot easier.

Hope this helps :)


Thats exactlly what I am looking for. Any opinion on the perimeter sensor. I would be concerned that it might go off to much and be a pain in the A@@
I have been using this one for over a year and a half. Clicky here

The i500SE comes with all the extras (perimeter sensor, battery back up and ignition dis-abler) I have been pretty happy with this unit. A little more piece of mind when staying in motels or parking to go to a restaurant or what ever. If there are a lot of people around the perimeter sensor is a pain, but you can set the alarm with or without the perimeter sensor. Its your choice. Although you can also adjust the range of the perimeter sensor, I've been using mine the way it came with good results.

Be sure to get the harness for the FJR, it makes installation a lot easier.

Hope this helps :)

Same unit here also... I am very happy with this unit.

1 draw back though: While i was at a motel and the maids were vacuming the carpets, THe electrirc motor on the vac messed with the perimiter sensor. Prolly the cycles that the motor was making causing the interferance.

One other draw back...

Other riders with the same unit messing with you while showing yours off! :haha:

I cant remember who you were at WFO, But you got me good! :)

I've had the Scorpion with all the bell & whistles for a couple years and the only problem I've had is if I set the perimeter sensor and park next to the stucco wall in the summer (at work) the heat off the wall will set it off.

+1 on the Scorpio with adjustable perimeter sensor. VERY easy install, especially with the custom harness. Been very happy with mine.

I am looking for an alarm with pager. I dont care how easy it is to install because I will be having Smitty do that :clapping: I want a pager so that at hotel I will be paged if someone screws with the bike.Thanks Mike
Can't install it this weekend Mike... We will be in ARKANASAS!!!

:p :p :p :yahoo: Smitty

Bought the Scorpio SR-i500 made by Aritronix.

Bought it from JC Motors on Ebay, very godd price. ;)

Easy to install, I installed the module under the pillion seat.

Bought the hardness for the FJR at the same time, easier to install escept that it is a pain to go get the socket of the stoplight in the back of the bike. :angry:

Bought the perimeter sensor, calibrate it and working fine, you could arm the bike without the perimeter sensor, I use the perimeter sensor a few times only, when you need extra protection I have it !

I connect the ignition kill on the tilt sensor, easier that way.

Send me your email and I could send you pics of my installation. ;)

Be carefull to buy the new version, the remote model is TRS-6, better than the one I bought ( TRS-5 ).

You will be able to add a back-up battery with the new version using the TRS-6, I can'T with mine.

They only thing is that my remote does not get time, clock is not working properly ( not a big thing ) but my alarm is new. Emailed Aritronix a few times to have it exchange under warranty but they never got back to me.

Two items, be sure to mount the antenna away from metal, stretch it out as high on the bike as practical. Mine is taped underneath the seat area, just under the lip of the rear seat plastic. Once you get into it you'll understand. If your installer doesn't do this important step it will severely limit the range of transmission. Also, Duracell AA batteries are notorious for leaking and will outgas ruin the pager's LCD screen quicker than you'd believe. It's a great unit and I never found any problem with the perimeter sensor since it is just a matter of pressing a button the pager to activate the alarm without that feature. It's great when you can't park in a secluded spot but only on the thoroughfare.

Had the Scorpio with all the bells & whistles for about a year & half now- Like it a lot. Only negative comment I have is that it has lots of functions but only 4 pushbuttons on the remote. The common functions that one uses often are easy to remember. The other functions that are seldom used are difficult for me to remember which combinations of pushbuttons to use for the desired function. I usually have a photocopy of the manual with me on trips just to keep it straight if I need to reset or change something. I would buy the unit again. I have no connection with Scorpio other than to be a satisfied customer.

+1 On Scorpio

+1 On ignition kill, mine on ignition relay

+1 On perimeter sensor, use it when you want to

+1 on Yamaha install adapter


Hopefully these systems DON"T have the Voice Alarm on the proximity sensor.

Years ago, We were working out of a hotel in Edmonton, every night, a BMW 320i was parked right in front of the elevators, when you walked past it, a loud computerized voice would blare "STEP AWAY FROM THE CAR" By the time we finished that job, the BMW was pretty much boot F#%ked from bumper to bumper.

+1 On Scorpio+1 On ignition kill, mine on ignition relay

+1 On perimeter sensor, use it when you want to

+1 on Yamaha install adapter -BD
I too have the ScorpioSE on my 06 & love it! The installation is easy & it works great. I use the perimeter sensor only when I make a quick stop at a store & leave my helmet & jacket on the bike. Keeps thieves from even thinking about taking them because it chirps as you get close to the bike (setting is adjustable). My only gripe is that leaving the transmitter on all the time eats AAA batteries (no matter what brand) at a quick pace. <_<

I now turn my transmitter off at night when it is in the garage. The alarm is still on, but not the transmitter.

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One other draw back...
Other riders with the same unit messing with you while showing yours off! :haha:

I cant remember who you were at WFO, But you got me good! :)
Guilty as charged... :D Definitely like the Scorpio, install was easy and so far the unit has been bulletproof on two bikes. Perimeter sensor does take some adjusting to get the sensitivity "just right" so the false alarms are minimized.


After I had one episode where the AAA batteries outgassed and ruined my remote, I contacted Aritronix by e-mail and they exchanged it for me, free! I was back in business in two weeks. I guess that since I bought it directly from them (at a great price with an additional free year of extended factory warranty) I never had any issues. I was simply calling them with some questions and they met my price and threw in the extra warranty, so I bought. I'd consider that first, they may still do that.

Just ordered the scorpio with all the bells and whistles. Thanks for all the feedback.

Smitty get ready Ill be over soon!!! :yahoo:
