I always like the idea of being an AMA Member. I figured they did some worthwhile stuff on my behalf and I should suppoort them. Some of what they do is complete ******** (but that's another story for another day - But yea, it is Friday).
So, 6 months ago I got an email from AMA telling me it was time to renew (and touting all their wonderful benefits).
I logged on and to my surprise, membership rates jumped 25%. I freaked out and told AMA to kiss my ***.
Earlier this morning I was thinking about my membership and how I really did want to be a member, so I called.
It appears that they've had a lot of resistance to the new rates and were willing to renew me for three years at the old rate of $117.00 ($39 a year).
So, anyone who might be pissed at AMA for the money grab, here's a way to renew for the same dollars.
There really is some tangible value to being a member 800-262-5646 (1-800 ama join).
So, 6 months ago I got an email from AMA telling me it was time to renew (and touting all their wonderful benefits).
I logged on and to my surprise, membership rates jumped 25%. I freaked out and told AMA to kiss my ***.
Earlier this morning I was thinking about my membership and how I really did want to be a member, so I called.
It appears that they've had a lot of resistance to the new rates and were willing to renew me for three years at the old rate of $117.00 ($39 a year).
So, anyone who might be pissed at AMA for the money grab, here's a way to renew for the same dollars.
There really is some tangible value to being a member 800-262-5646 (1-800 ama join).