An easy way to make a bar end gap for V-Strom hand guards

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Florence, SC
I wanted to add bar-end gap to clear the throttle tube for the right V-Strom hand shield. The control and throttle housings are located with small holes in the handlebar. I assumed I could use a drill to make small holes 1/4 inch inward. When I took the parts off of the handlebar I found that there were already extra locating holes in the handlebar ---exactly--- where I wanted. I only had to drill 1 small hole to locate the brake lever. It was and easy elegant way to create gap between the throttle tube and bar-end weight.

I have large Salamander bar-end weights and they tend to push the hand guards into the throttle grip even with the extra gap created with the above method. I cut a disk of thin plastic just slightly larger than the handlebar and sandwiched this between the end weight and the handlebar. This positively located the hand guard off of the throttle tube. I used plastic from a coke bottle. I think that a disk from an aluminum can might work slightly better since it is almost as thin but much stiffer.

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