An FJR Tale

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
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First, let me apologize if this has been discussed here -- I don't read everything and have been a little out-of-touch, electronically (malware victim).

I was at a restaurant last night and there was a guy sitting alone at a table near me -- I'd noticed a bike when I went in and, as he was wearing the same kind of riding pants I usually wear when I'm on tour, I greeted him with a m/c question. Yep, he was the rider of that bike. In the ensuing talk he told me he was from Moab and that a couple years ago he was riding around Ouray and met a rider on a new FJR1300 ('06 prototype?) and the guy was in-trouble in Ouray. The story was: he was a factory test rider for Yamaha; had I.O.M. racing experience; at the end of everyday's riding he up-loaded all that day's collected electronic data by satellite to Yamaha; he was being held by the Ouray city police -- 140mph on radar; he'd had a police mandated medical check-up for substances; and probably a couple more items that I don't remember.

True or not, it was a great story over supper (and, one I couldn't top)! If true?, what a great way to prove the product.....

I'm a sucker for a good story -- my friend, Charlie, says a story needn't be true to be good. But...., anyone else ever hear something similar? Thoughts on veracity.....??

Yehhhhh,... That was me! Yeh, that the ticket! I was testing the new FJR. It was right after I single-handedly won the X-Prize. Yeh, 28 vertical rolls on my way to 328,000 feet.

Don't tell anyone. :yahoo:

What's veracity mean?

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Like my neighbor always says: "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story" ! :rolleyes:

First, let me apologize if this has been discussed here -- I don't read everything and have been a little out-of-touch, electronically (malware victim). I was at a restaurant last night and there was a guy sitting alone at a table near me -- I'd noticed a bike when I went in and, as he was wearing the same kind of riding pants I usually wear when I'm on tour, I greeted him with a m/c question. Yep, he was the rider of that bike. In the ensuing talk he told me he was from Moab and that a couple years ago he was riding around Ouray and met a rider on a new FJR1300 ('06 prototype?) and the guy was in-trouble in Ouray. The story was: he was a factory test rider for Yamaha; had I.O.M. racing experience; at the end of everyday's riding he up-loaded all that day's collected electronic data by satellite to Yamaha; he was being held by the Ouray city police -- 140mph on radar; he'd had a police mandated medical check-up for substances; and probably a couple more items that I don't remember.

True or not, it was a great story over supper (and, one I couldn't top)! If true?, what a great way to prove the product.....

I'm a sucker for a good story -- my friend, Charlie, says a story needn't be true to be good. But...., anyone else ever hear something similar? Thoughts on veracity.....??

I doubt seriously that Ouray is large enough to have a police dept. let alone be called a city.

Around here it is those small cities that just love to nail you...their dept is funded by 5 lane roads that have 35 and 45 mph speed limits.

QUOTE(Hit the Road Jack @ Aug 1 2007, 12:24 AM) What's veracity mean?
Ah veracity (trueness), ghetto slang for the pillar of Veritas (truth). Veritas is very delicate; it is often bent and frequently broken. Its arch enemy is alcohol, which causes it to disappear so quick there isn’t even a trace of smoke to indicate its leaving. There are locations where Veritas is unable to penetrate, the aura of these locations serve as a protective shield keeping Veritas at bay. Veratis has never cross the threshold of bars, law offices, political campaigns or small garages where gear heads gather to wrench. Veritas regularly gets bent and frequently just plain sidestepped during news reporting.

When Veritas is corrupted it transmogrifies into its second state of existence - Bullshit. Bullshit has the strength and unyielding power to persist and to resist reverting to Veratas no matter the efforts of its close cousin Res (fact). Bullshit woos, enamors and charms to prevail over the educated, the strong and the meek. Bullshit has a strong foul odor that strangely, smells sweet to many. Often it is too late when we discover that someone is actually up to their eyeballs in one of the strongest forces of nature. Usually when someone tries to extricate themselves from Bullshit they find themselves actually drawn in deeper and deeper. If you find a story to be immune to Veritas and Res, but the teller is adamant in their convictions then you have found that they are indeed possessed by Bullshit. Have another drink and let the Bullshit flow.

:blink: :lol:

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I cannot see a small town police department mandating a drug test for speeding....... Whadthey do, ship a Nurse and a doctor in from Salt Lake City

The only difference between a Sea Story and a Fairy Tale is

The Fairy Tale starts with "Once upon a Time"

Sea Story,,,,,,,,,,, "This is No shit"

140 MPH, Whadthey do, Run him down in their department funded Enzo's

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I lived in California in the early 70's, and worked as a mechanic at a

Kawasaki dealership. We were just down the street from Kawasaki USA.

They had Z1's disguised as Honda 750's running all around the country,

for at least a year or more before there release. I knew one of the riders

who put thousands of miles on these bikes.

So the story could be true.

Cdogman, actually to be nit pickingly accurate, a Sea story begins with, "This is a no shitter." Other than that your comment demonstrates great veracity!

Which Ouray? What state?

If it is Colorado, yup 140mph is jail time. As for the testing yup, bend over and say ahhh.

As for the story who knows, we do have a lot of State Troupers here, and they love 550, great views, hot springs, shopping, etc.


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Which Ouray? What state?If it is Colorado, yup 140mph is jail time. As for the testing yup, bend over and say ahhh.

As for the story who knows, we do have a lot of State Troupers here, and they love 550, great views, hot springs, shopping, etc.


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