Another ******

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Hope the SOB gets some good jail-time with a large, horny inmate....

To leave someone for dead like that, you have to have no soul...

Hope the SOB gets some good jail-time with a large, horny inmate....
To leave someone for dead like that, you have to have no soul...
Agreed. And they should take both of them to the penn, not just the driver.

If the 2nd person had any sort of conscience and had called an ambulance the guy might have lived.

Vehicular manslaughter isn't good enough once they leave the scene. It should be 2nd degree murder.

How can you rear-end a bike and not know about it? There should be two penalties here - one for the hit, and one for fleeing. Who knows, if the rider had gotten timely medical help, the outcome may have been different.

I hope the driver and passenger have enough conscience to realize what they did, and never forget it.


Hope the SOB gets some good jail-time with a large, horny inmate....
To leave someone for dead like that, you have to have no soul...
Agreed. And they should take both of them to the penn, not just the driver.

If the 2nd person had any sort of conscience and had called an ambulance the guy might have lived.

Vehicular manslaughter isn't good enough once they leave the scene. It should be 2nd degree murder.
Ditto ditto ditto.

I notice that they haven't published his passenger's name. I wonder if the passenger was the tipster. If not, why isn't the passenger being charged with conspiracy to conceal a felony or whatever it is?


clicky for angry

Todays update, they have found the vehicle and have two people in custody.
Our Prayers to the family and I hope the DA is a rider.

My wife drove past the accident while they were cleaning up the Highway. She didn't know what happened until she saw the news - Now every time I pic up my helment she gives me the "Be Careful" speach - I can't blame her.
