Any Connecticut FJRs?

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New member
Apr 12, 2006
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Sure would like to see one.

How can the deakers sell these sight unseen?

The sell because they are the best at what they do. Also into the fourth sales year in the US there have been plenty for sale used, fjr specific events and the need for speed. They sell without flooring, by word of mouth and by reputation. All of us '03 buyers bought them site unseen to the U.S. on the PDP.

Sure would like to see one.How can the deakers sell these sight unseen?
You have a few options that you can use to improve the situation.

1. Go find "Sport Tourers for the 21st Century" at MCNEWS. Read the whole article (5 pages):

2. Go ride the K1200GT - this is easy to do at most any BMW dealership.

3. Go ride the ST1300 - this is difficult to do, but possible, given Japanese dealership opinions/practices on test rides.

4. Look at lots of pictures of the FJR.

5. If you like the looks, like the K12GT or the ST1300, and the article makes sense to you, go ahead and buy the FJR. It will exceed your expectations.

If none of that works for you - wait for the next Motorcycle Show in your area. They will be previewing the 2007 models. Find the FJR. Sit on one. Drool on one. If history is any indication, all the whining on this board will result in a better FJR. Hell, you may get more than 17mpg instantaneous. What's more, I predict a 6-speed tranny in the near future.

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The problem is for the vertically challanged.

You can't buy a bike without checking the crotch clearance.

So no seeee, no buyee.

snap50 Norwalk here got my new 2005 FJR about 3 weeks ago. awesome!!!!! bought it in NJ. There is one more 2005FJR left. Saw a 2006 FJR at libby's motorcyle in west Haven CT dealer told me they are getting a total of eight this year.

Ride safe

I picked mine up yesterday from Libbys in New Haven CT, and it is good, very good.

I picked mine up yesterday from Libbys in New Haven CT, and it is good, very good.
Except it "clunks" like a 62 Rambler with a bad universal.


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Still waiting for Columbia Motorsports to come through for me. As of earlier this week they had no deifinite date. All they said was they would be the first CT dealer to get the bikes. Wrong! Libby's and a dealer in Norwalk have received deliveries.


Being in CT I would think there is someone from this board fairly close to you who would let you at least sit on it, or maybe even take it out for a ride. I let longnokr come over and take mine out for about 20 min. 2 years ago before he bought his.

